Happy New Year!

Maybe this will be the year I keep up with this blog regularly and, especially, monetize it (since I see WordPress decided to stick ads on my blog withOUT informing me).

One of my biggest faults (or vices) is letting some great ideas and words die in Word docs. I have written literal books about a lot of things that have happened in the past few years, more for venting purposes than anything else, and … nothing. They sit and sit and sit, and then I delete the files because they’re stale and outdated news-wise.

Shame because I see so much junk being disseminated and all I can ever think at those moments is, “People have thrown away better than that” (my stuff included).

So, I’d like to post here regularly or semi-regularly. I’m very grateful for the amount of people who subscribed to my blog last year. I’ve done no advertising for my blog, and I can only imagine how much attention this would get if I put effort in advertising or marketing this blog. Hmmm…

Anyhoo, I’m glad it’s a new year, a proverbial fresh start, but so many bad things linger in the air, like MAGA defects in U.S. government. Isn’t it a pity that the higher ups in the Republican Party just don’t get it that Trump destroyed that party forever more? And it’s not that they believe in him, give him blind obedience as he’s always demanded, like the lowly street soldier thug he’s always been.

Getting behind Trump was a simple case of political expediency for Republicans: They were just looking to regain all 3 branches of government from Democrats no matter who was at the helm. The Dump always thinks it’s about him, in textbook sociopath fashion, but he’ll never understand: People used him and just ain’t that into him.

The dude’s been gone for almost a full year now, and, yet, the American media – conservative to the core – keep giving this dude more attention than the President. Many times, I sit and wonder why I’m even bothering finishing my degree in journalism because I am thoroughly disillusioned with the American media for a myriad of reasons.

Never mind, the American media do not hire older women for their (jokes of) newsrooms these days (working in anything visual was never an option for me). What bothers me most are the vulture (“venture”) capitalists, via their “private equity firms,” who are buying up media outlets nationwide at an exponential rate.

At first, they bullshit everyone with the greeting that they’re here to make a stronger news operation, nothing’s going to change, blah, blah, blah. Then, before you can blink, there are mass layoffs, especially of older journalists, and the outlet (newspapers for now) are made to do with skeletal crews. Investigative journalism is the first thing to go, of course. Hey, can’t have a journalist sniffing up your business crime partner’s ass, possibly exposing your dirty deals sooner than later.

I graduate at the end of this semester, and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing or where I’m going, even at my advanced age, after that. Decisions, decisions.

The singular most disheartening thing happening right now, New Year’s Day, is the horrific number of the omicron variant. My eyes pop out of my head every single day when I read the case tallies for my state alone: 20,209 cases for New Year’s Eve alone!

I still cannot figure out what the fuck is wrong with people. President Biden couldn’t have made it any easier for most Americans to get at least one jab of a vaccine: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson. People had their choice, something many countries on planet Earth salivate to have and can’t. In fact, when vaccines do arrive in poorer countries, they’re crowded into a shit van that has to be surrounded by police because people stop the vehicle on its way to a hospital, medical center, tent, whatever, and hold up the driver until they can get a dose of the vaccine. That is how desperate some people are in this world.

But what did spoiled, lazy Americans decide to do when faced with hundreds of millions of doses of multiple vaccines? They let the stuff rot, promoting one conspiracy theory after another as they went about their lives infecting people with their ailments and ignorance.


When those same idiots knew someone who died from a virus that they claimed was a “hoax,” that they insisted didn’t exist, all of a sudden they rushed to get vaxxed. But, in typical American fashion, they did it half-assed: They thought only one dose of the vaccine was enough. Again, they didn’t heed medical advice on a major issue: You needed two doses of the stuff to be considered safe.

Truth be told, I long ago got tired of reading articles about vehement anti-vaxxers who trashed Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, the CDC, medicine, science, and doctors in general, taunting fate by claiming they would “beat” COVID-19 if they ever got it, because it wasn’t anything more serious than a bad cold or the flu, only to tweet for “thoughts and prayers” as they were burning in pain from head to toe.

Many of those anti-vaxxers were quoted by their family and friends as saying the last text they sent to them urged them to get vaccinated because “this virus is serious.” They all said they had never been in the pain they were in before they got the virus.


She is tired of our shit. She is sick of being kicked in her face and up her ass, she’s had it uptohere with us trashing her space and treating each other like shit, and, well, enough is enough.

She knows what a bunch of selfish mother fuckers people are today, hence the ongoing, increasingly dangerous mutations of this virus. (Wondering if the majority of humanity won’t be gone by the time the omega variant rolls out.)

Yeah, about those anti-vaxxers and their deathbed conversions: For those of us who know what it’s like to be in pain from a virus or illness, now you know why we feel the way we do, particularly the part about not wanting to go back to feeling that way.

Back in 2007, I had a bout with pneumonia that left one of my lungs damaged, and then, exactly one week after being diagnosed with pneumonia, I developed pleurisy.

There is no other terrifying feeling than being jacked out of bed at exactly 5:30 in the morning not fully realizing what’s going on, and then, when your conscious mind catches up with your subconscious, you realize you can’t take a full breath without being in excruciating pain.

Just imagine hot glass going up and down your lungs, and then you’re not being able to take a full, deep breath as a result, and you will understand how pleurisy feels. You’ll also sympathize why, when you’re in that situation, you feel that’s the end of your life.

When people described the pain of COVID-19, it brought me right back to the pain of pleurisy, and I had absolutely NO desire whatsoever to revisit that feeling.

So, I did whatever I could to mitigate my contracting COVID: Pre-vaccine, I only went out when absolutely necessary: Food shopping, pharmacy, and post office, mainly. I stayed my distance from people and masked up. The second I was eligible for a vaccine, I got it, and then got the second dose on time. And as soon as I could get the booster, I got it. And I will do that with future boosters as well.

The coasts took the virus seriously from the door: We had lockdowns and quarantines galore. The Midwest, South, and Southwest? Not so much.

To this day, the pandemic doesn’t exist for them: No masks, no distancing, no mandates, YET … their hospitals are to the breaking point. Doctors and nurses are quitting in droves and committing suicide. The National Guard had to be activated to keep their hospital systems from outright collapsing (more blue cities’ and states’ $$$ down the shit pipe yet again).

My cousin’s cousin (from his other side) suggested a “mini family reunion” … in the middle of a pandemic. She’s from Arizona, so it’s sad no one would be surprised at the depth of ignorance there.

So, with all that, don’t expect this virus to be going away anytime soon. In fact, it’s bound to get much worse (!) by the middle of this month because Americans just couldn’t stay the fuck home for Christmas (that’s nothing more than a shopping holiday in modern times) and New Year’s (the original Amateur Night).

Isn’t it sad when you realize how too many people are incapable of feeding and entertaining themselves? We all need vacations, sure, but stay home in your one-horse town and enjoy your “perfect” neck of the woods so the virus numbers can come down. Majority of folks from those parts can barely function outside of their social echo chambers, anyway, so it’s best they stay put.

Despite this cheery, semi-stream of conscious post, I really do hope 2022 is better than the past 2 years. My fondest wish for this year? To see Republicans get their asses handed to them in November, despite all their plans to nullify all votes not cast for them, and then not to certify the elections they don’t like the outcomes of.

May 2022 be most brutal to them. 😀

Democrats and their purity requirements …

Meanwhile, the Republican Party gets scummier by the second. They make no apologies, they have no requirements, and they’re not the least bit interested in cleaning out their own beyond fucked up house (literally and figuratively).

So …

It needs to be noted that Gaetz is so innocent that he apparently just dipped into the coffers and ponied up major dough for legal services to Marc Fernich Law Offices, attorney for human traffickers (and, yes, they represented Jeffrey Epstein). Matt Gaetz spends tons of money on Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer, Roger Stone as sex trafficking scandal looms | Blogs (orlandoweekly.com)

  • Donald Trump is a well-documented pedophile, sued dozens of times for child rape. Donny also let Jeffrey Epstein use Mar-A-Lago as a recruiting ground for his pedophile island. Donny also apparently helped himself to dozens of women sexually through the years, some of whom have taken to suing him (vs. him always suing everyone). The 26 Women Who Have Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct (businessinsider.com) (Trump was NOTORIOUS in NYC and AC for doing whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted whenever and wherever he wanted.)

But, after all this …

it’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo who needs to resign???

The calls for Gov. Cuomo to resign from his own party is another chapter in how Democrats love hanging their own when Republicans don’t dare do the same thing for MUCH worse. They did that with gusto in 1998, during the Clinton witch hunt, but their hands were tied and their mouths sealed shut when credible allegations flooded Trump during his occupancy of The White House from 2017-2021.

Republicans refuse to clean up their own fucked up house, but Democrats hang their own out to dry time and again. I’ve been a Democrat since 1994 and I am sick and tired of this shit!

In Cuomo’s case, this whole thing is a ploy by Trump and his friends/sponsors/owners at The Heritage Foundation, John Birch Society, and the Federalist Society, and other gatherings of loser anarchist billionaires, to get Cuomo out of the way so NY State’s charges against the Trump Org can magically evaporate, as has every other case against that piece of shit throughout time.

The only thing that makes sense is that not only must Trump be REALLY deep in with the Russian mob, but the mob is deep in with these anarchist billionaires who installed that mfer in 2016 because they didn’t want to pay taxes or have regulations put on their dirty, dark businesses and money (things Hillary Rodham Clinton was just itching to do on her first day in office).

And fuck every single fake Democrat such as Kirsten Gillibrand, whose job it apparently is to force every good Democratic politician to resign for what turns out to be bullshit allegations (remember Al Franken?). She is a textbook louse and seriously needs to switch parties along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because, with “friends” like that, who the hell needs enemies?

I’m to the point in life of why bother with history when apparently no one learns a damned thing from it?

The Democratic Party need to grow a fucking spine and require of Republicans what they require of themselves.

Trump and the Republicans = a pack of ghouls

It takes a time such as a pandemic to get people to show their true colors. It may take a while, but they’ll come through eventually.

With that written, I would like to take this opportunity to quote the late, great George Carlin and say, “Fuck Dr. Phil!” I’d like to put another overrated phony in there, too, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

According to Dr. Oz, sacrificing 2-3% of this country’s population is “appetizing” so the economy can get its “mojo” back.


Two quick thoughts:

  1. What economy? Trump tanked it, like he’s done with every last thing he has ever touched in his pathetic life.
  2. Why doesn’t the “good” doctor sacrifice his fucking family first? That sounds even more “appetizing” to me.

And do I have this right here? Fox Propaganda, the official cable channel of the Republican Party, asked a psychologist to give his opinion about reopening the economy due to a pandemic because they didn’t like what the medical doctor (Dr. Anthony Fauci) had to say?


At this point in my life, I can honestly state I’ve seen, heard, and read it all.

Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows Donny Trump has put this pandemic behind him – that’s why he keeps referring to it in the past tense during his famous press briefings – because he cannot do the job that his owner in Moscow appointed him to.

He has proven beyond doubt to the entire world he is an incompetent buffoon who isn’t suited for the adult thing much less for the highest political office in this country.

Perhaps one of the reasons for the rush to reopen the economy (besides enriching his billionaire criminal buddies, who have more than enough of money to spend in several lifetimes) is because another round of payments to criminal Deutsche Bank is coming up real soon, and those folks do NOT let payments slide more than once, screw the circumstances.

It’s obvious Donny boy lives paycheck to paycheck, so he really needs to reopen Mar-A-Lago so he can have some cash on hand.

And I’d be willing to bet anything he struck yet another quid pro quo with Putin: Hand over the rest of our PPE and ventilators to tenth world Russia and Putin fixes another election for him.

Meanwhile, fake president orange fat ass (his title here forever more) has convinced himself the pandemic is over, “the curve has flattened,” the worst is in the past. What the fuck ever.

Meanwhile, the reality is that infections keep rising along with the death toll nationwide, red states are the new “hot spots,” and the infections are being detected with nowhere near the tests each state needs.

Imagine if there were adults in D.C. right now, complete with a Pandemic Response Team, and there were more tests to go around. The numbers would be much higher, but at least the chance of further mass infection would be lessened as people would know they had the virus and could self-quarantine, hopefully avoiding the need for hospitalization.

And all of this because that 72 year-old incompetent pedophile, that textbook piece of shit, didn’t want to believe there was a pandemic coming because he’s too fucking stupid to understand science, or, at least, to respect the findings of people who are scientifically literate. He couldn’t have cared less what the World Health Organization told him way back in January about what we now call COVID-19.

Donny boy huffed and he puffed, and he refused test kits from the WHO because he was still pouting over being impeached. So, he continued his tantrum by refusing the test kits, he didn’t prepare the country by ordering businesses to increase production of PPE and ordering ventilators, and the piece of shit gave away tons of PPE to … China, Thailand, and (surprise – NOT!) Russia.

Donald Trump does not give one fuck about this country. He is guilty of treason and should be tried as an enemy of the United States in a military court. I do NOT write these words lightly.

Any mother fucker who accepts the help of a hostile foreign country and their online spy agency in order to “win” an election and then kowtows to that country simply because they own you body and soul is guilty of treason and should be dealt with accordingly.

One last thing: That stimulus check? It’s not coming. There was a “glitch” in the system now, huh? What’s the next excuse from mafia fixer Mnuchin going to be?

The money is gone, folks. It went to where it was supposed to go: multi billion dollar corporations. Us peons are on our own.

Translation: We’ve been had … yet again.

Always remember: Republicans believe fetuses are sacred, but you and/or your family dying of COVID-19 is just collateral damage in the bigger scheme of things. They want to feel good about pumping up an economy that their god Trump obliterated.

So, let these turds reopen this sick, sad joke of an economy and lift physical distancing requirements and let’s see what happens.

I’m no scientist, but I’ll take a shot in the dark here and go on the record to predict that people are going to go ape shit and be on top of each other more than ever and THAT’S when the party is going to get started.

Because a virus is a virus and the more people it has to feed off of, the more it can spread, and the longer it can live. Viruses keep people on their toes by mutating, too.

I repeat: The party hasn’t even begun, folks. Get ready because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The Republican Party are ghouls. They are walking, talking turds. There is no other way to put that.

HOW do they like what they see in the mirror?

The National Enquirer – masters of extortion and blackmail, with a little bit of blood on their hands.

Boy, are the media underplaying Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’s explosive blog regarding the obvious extortion and blackmail on the part of American Media Inc. (AMI), publisher of the tabloid The National Enquirer, among other rags. And I can write that sans impunity because it’s right there in AMI’s own emails to Bezos’s lawyer.


Mr. Bezos’s post managed to answer a question I’ve had for decades regarding how the “fine” folks at The National Enquirer had all this money to fork over for intrusive photos and damaging personal information on people, and more so on people they have beef with for whatever reason.

Even as a kid in the 1980s, I noticed they only targeted certain people time and again. In retrospect, they mostly targeted entertainers who were liberal on the political front.

Since then, I’ve learned about people who had much more going on and the Enquirer chose to either downplay what they were doing or outright kill the story, as the true journalism term goes for pursuing a story and then deciding against publication for one reason or another.

As I got older, I realized none of the personal stuff mattered in the bigger scheme of things. Yes, it helped if a celebrity shared my politics or said something I agreed with on whatever topic, but I got to the point in my life where I avoided rags such as the Enquirer and Star magazine, among others, because of the outrageous bullshit they published (and continue to publish) week after week after week.

I was politically aware from a teenager, but I didn’t notice the political undertones of the Enquirer’s “reporting” [eyeroll] until I saw how they participated in the hack job on Bill Clinton with gusto when he was president.

Although I had quit reading the rag for years, I noticed when Dumbya (a/k/a George W. Bush) was appointed president, the Enquirer didn’t have much, if anything, to “report” on with his scandals and personal shortcomings.

Along with drama queen Mike Walker’s obnoxious columns about his opinions of people that he didn’t know but felt he had the right to judge from his desk and then, later on, his political opinions that no one with a brain gave a shit about, that was all the proof I needed that the Enquirer was just another right-wing rag, a colossal waste of precious trees.

I’ve got WAY better things to do than waste my time with right-wing Republican propaganda. When you’ve heard or read whatever it is they have to say once, you know their groupthink for a lifetime.

For me, though, the question remained exactly how they had a bottomless pit of money to keep paying people for incriminating (“explosive”) information about celebrities. I wasn’t privy to the tabloid business, so I was truly in the dark for the majority of my life.

Mr. Bezos’s blog answered my decades-long question: The scumbags at The National Enquirer procured private photos of people by crook (obviously) and then used that as leverage to get celebrities to do their bidding.

The information they get about public figures is the shit that can ruin not only careers but entire lives. So, to avoid being ruined in every way, people would rather capitulate or just fork over a ton of money to avoid trouble for both the long-term and short-term … or so they think.

So while those poor people were breathing a sigh of relief, the Enquirer in the meantime, used to getting their way time and again, held on to the information for future reference “just in case.” So that person will always have incriminating pictures or embarrassing information on file with those assholes.

You have to wonder why the Enquirer does this shit. Well, just because they can. It all has to do with control and power: They can keep people on a rather short leash, knowing they can ruin them in the literal blink of an eye. It’s playing god – they hold all the cards and the odds are insurmountable.

In the past, some celebrities have had the spine to come out of the woodwork and speak up against the practices of outfits such as The National Enquirer.

I recall shortly after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997, actor Tom Cruise was one of the voices who spoke out against the practices of not only the paparazzi, but also of the tabloids who pay for their intrusive pics that are obtained, many times, by dangerous and, yeah, illegal means.

In true mafia goon fashion, the Enquirer huffed and they puffed and they threatened to blow Cruise’s house down by revealing embarrassing info on him if he didn’t quit with the beat down on the tabloids.

Now, I am NOT in the least bit crazy about Cruise for many reasons, all of which are irrelevant to this piece, but I will say that he’s been in the game long enough that he really doesn’t need to give a flying fuck about the Enquirer’s threats.  In fact, he threatened to turn the tables on the Enquirer and get a pool of other celebrities who were victims of their extortion and blackmail threats and dig out their dirt.

Now, whatever happened with that threat remains unclear, but maybe Cruise and anyone else who has been a victim of these scumbags should pool their resources and “fight fire with fire.”

I would put up a serious bet that the Enquirer’s dirt FAR surpasses that of the people who they blackmail, blackball, and extort on a daily basis. Mr. Bezos’s attachments to his aforementioned blog proved that … in spades.

Just the fact they were so fucking brazen as to put their extortion in writing … and then push the “send” button. God damn!!! It really doesn’t get any dumber than them.

And I’m also in “love” with the cavalier attitude of, “Well, here’s an agreement for you to do things our way or your client’s reputation is toast. I’m leaving the office for the night, but here’s my cell phone to further discuss you doing things our way.”


Perhaps some of the more recent potential victims of AMI’s mafia goon tactics can do what Cruise wanted/threatened to do over 20 years ago.


And I really didn’t catch on until much too recently why some celebrities were straight up mother fuckers to the tabloid media.

Barring the people whose attitudes suck in general, I “get it” why some celebrities get emotional and defensive when it comes to tabloid hacks and loser paparazzi – the vast majority of whom couldn’t get a job in real journalism if their lives depended on it.

Stalking people with an expensive camera hanging off your neck? Slow down there, Tex. [Eyeroll.]

And, no doubt, these celebrities are well aware of the fact they’re public figures, but is life that unexciting in loopy California that the only thing to do out there is worry about where people clothes shop or where they go grocery shopping or making shit up about them when you don’t know the facts? (As if their private lives are anyone’s business!)

Get a fucking hobby already!

And, quite frankly, whoever puts those tabloid hacks at The National Enquirer in the same sentence as journalism needs to go back to school … as in preschool.

Some people left a real newsroom for tabloids due to dollars and cents. After all, tabloids pay much more than many news organizations.

But 98% of those losers in the offices of AMI and all their rags would turn tail and cry if they had to report from a war zone, or if they had to report on a riot, or, best of all, if they had to be in a “tough” neighborhood with someone pointing a gun in their face or threatening to stab them with an AIDS-infested needle.

No, hardly any of them are journalists and couldn’t hack the real thing if their lives depended on it.

Mr. Bezos’s blog brings up a whole slew of fresh questions, the main one of which is AMI and David Pecker (that fucking name!) in violation of their immunity agreement with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller?  Extortion and blackmail are illegal last time I checked.

And because of the Enquirer’s continued illegal (criminal?) behavior, I doubt it very much Mueller can trust a damned thing that comes from them from here on in. AMI’s actions have proven them a beyond untrustworthy source for truthfulness, like Roger Stone.

Also, what’s up with these super-rich Republican white guys with their tongues up Saudi Arabia’s and Russia’s asses? It’s not as though they need oil. Ahhh, maybe it’s the money they’re after.

Both countries are loaded with tons of ill-gotten gain – Vladimir Putin and his buddies divvying up the treasury after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Saudi Arabian royal family keeping everything for themselves while the majority of Saudi citizens live in abject poverty and under unbelievable oppression that would have made Orwell flinch.


Through it all, the social justice warriors at The National Enquirer never once used their resources to help true activists or embarrass the scumbags of planet Earth.

For instance, they remained awful silent on WikiLeaks’ endangering so many peoples’ lives with their recklessness and they never spared a word for horrific human rights violations going on in Saudi Arabia every single day.

Oh, that’s right, David Pecker (that fucking name!) wanted to do business with them. Money over everything when all is said and done. That’s how mafia goons run everything … into the ground.

They never once embarrassed their longtime friend Donald Trump, especially after the “catch and kill” story about the orange asshole fathering a child with one of his many extra-martial side pieces. (And these fucking toads had the nerve to constantly castigate Bill Clinton for his extra-martial affairs?? )

They also have yet to “report” (HA!) on Trump’s numerous claims of sexual assault, harassment, and rape by 17 women (so far) and his lawsuits (plural) about raping underage girls that always seem to magically disappear from court dockets.

Say whatever the fuck you want about Bill Clinton, but at least his side pieces were WELL over the age of 18. He didn’t need to rape anyone.

Come to think of it, given Trump’s rather cozy relationship with The National Enquirer, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Trump himself “suggested” they dig up dirt on Mr. Bezos.  If true, that would be yet another criminal act under Trump’s already tightening belt.

And, when all is said and done, who gives a flying rat’s ass what The National Enquirer decides to slap on their cover every week or the fantasies they peddle as fact? They are nothing but tabloid hacks, plain and simple. Their actions – blackmail, extortion, lies, protecting their friends while ruining anyone who doesn’t obey them, paying literal mints for intrusive pics they obtained illegally, etc. – have managed to ruin peoples’ lives in every way.

Their willingness to fork over insane amounts of money for “exclusive” pictures of Diana, Princess of Wales in the summer of 1997 culminated in the woman’s death because everyone lost their fucking minds trying to get a big payday for invading the woman’s privacy day in and day out. (And I’m sure the “fine” racists at the Enquirer didn’t like it one bit that she was dating a [gasp!] Muslim. They kept mentioning it over and over again after all.)

Although I rarely accept official explanations of sensational/historical deaths (JFK, Diana, etc.), I do firmly believe that the paparazzi, encouraged by these tabloid scumbags, had a heavy hand in Diana’s death. The National Enquirer has some of her blood on their hands.

Hope they’re happy to this day with what they helped to cause (although I do recall them promptly cleansing themselves of any responsibility immediately after her death. How convenient).

“Thanks” a lot, you cock suckers. You deserve every last thing you get and then some.

When all is said and done, I hope Jeff Bezos’s blog is the beginning of the end of The National Enquirer. He was not only smart and brave in hanging those turds with their own words, but he performed a much needed public service by putting their extortion and blackmail right out there in the open.

The days of people bowing to the mafia goon squad are O-V-E-R, boys.

You wanted to rewrite the rules, well, we are more than happy to oblige. After all, two CAN play that game.

Now, as for why the public continue buying this shit (and believing it!) is a blog for another time.