Why is there a Constitution if no one has the backbone to enforce it???


I often wondered what it must have been like to be alive at a time when the President of the United States was that much of a crook that he had to resign. And I was fascinated by how the media worked: Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein at The Washington Post were being fed information about Richard Nixon via an informant known as “Deep Throat.” This information enraged the public and, though it took a while, helped with Nixon’s downfall.

I was a couple of years away from being born when Watergate came to its conclusion in 1974, but, even at a young age, I just could not fathom how things could be that bad that the president needed to resign.  Now I understand because, as we’ve seen since January 2017, nothing has changed in over 40 years.  In the year 2018, this country is facing a much more dangerous – and markedly dumber – menace in Donald Trump.

Things have become so bad, in fact, that a “senior official” within the Trump regime took to compose an Op-Ed that received an anonymous byline in the September 5th New York Times.

I studied to be a journalist, so I am well aware of The Times’ journalistic reputation and know for fact they do not offer anonymous bylines freely.  They also don’t feature crime stories on their front page. It’s just how the paper has evolved over their 167 year history, but I digress.

When they do make an exception to the rules, you know it’s for a damned good reason. And the September 5th anonymous Op-Ed was one of those times when there was the necessity to give someone cover in order to do what Deep Throat did over 40 years ago: To tell the public of just how much trouble we’re in with a guy who fancies himself accountable to no one.

But, upon reading the piece, I’ve come to the conclusion that the hype surrounding this editorial was far better than the piece itself.

Now, I applaud The Times for being real journalists and giving that “senior official” the freedom to air their inner thoughts. That is what true journalism is about.

Unfortunately, this is a lost art in this day and age – something school kids either read about in passing or don’t hear about at all.  Hell, I didn’t hear much about Watergate in my history classes – and I grew up barely over a decade after that brouhaha. I noticed quite young that the U. S. shuts its collective ears to all things unpleasant.

Bottom line: What is going on with the Trump regime right now is history happening every single day – and The Times upped the ante.

One assertion took a lot of nerve to put out there and that was, “The bigger concern is not what Mr. Trump has done to the presidency but rather what we as a nation have allowed him to do to us. We have sunk low with him and allowed our discourse to be stripped of civility.”

Here’s a fact that’s hard to digest for people of a certain political persuasion: The majority of people who bothered voting in 2016 did not “allow” Trump to do anything because we did not vote for him.  The final numbers of the popular vote back up that claim.


[Even when faced with a beyond unqualified wannabe dictator, the majority of Americans still whined “there was no one to vote for.”  That was just as asinine as “Hillary wasn’t progressive enough,” so throw your vote away on someone who had a below zero chance of winning.  Whatever.]

It was Trump’s own party who, like the rest of us, saw as plain as day the chaos the guy was creating, knowing the damage he was doing to the political process – which was already a literal circus. They saw how he got more outrageous by the hour and literally sat on their hands the whole time.

When the guy managed to win the nomination, the Republican Party, as a whole, threw their support behind him, not giving one flying rat’s turd to the long-term damage he could cause.  Power was everything to them and fuck the consequences.

And let’s not absolve the conservative American media in all of this.  They allowed Trump to sink as low as a political candidate could go by:

  • treating his lack of knowledge of politics, current events, and diplomacy, along with common decency, during the 2016 campaign with humor. They loved making light of all that.
  • more than once networks pulled coverage of Hillary Clinton’s rallies to focus on the empty podium at Trump’s rallies
  • they ignored his continual stream of racist, sexist, and xenophobic views on his official Twitter account and at rallies. Some commentators even called all of that “refreshing” because he wasn’t behaving like a politician.
  • Trump’s retweeting actual professed Nazis on Twitter, something that resulted in the most disgusting and outrageous conspiracy theorists getting national, and sometimes international, attention and millions of followers as a result – something Mrs. Clinton mentioned more than a few times during the campaign.
  • And the “reporters” Trump did choose to trust? They were nothing more than a collection of the most far-out, goofiest conspiracy theorists anyone could find.  A stream of unemployable, angry white guys (high school dropouts who all fancy themselves constitutional experts), whose idea of a “free press” is to slap an endless stream of conspiracy theories on blogs.  They’re self-proclaimed “editors” of such sites as Wikipedia, Reddit (the sewer of the Internet) and …4chan (the hate machine of the Internet). Fact checking? That’s for suckers!
  • And Trump made a public appeal to a hostile, foreign country [that would be Russia] to dig up dirt on Hillary … which they obliged with doing via their online spy agency: WikiLeaks.

And the Republican Party’s response to this deplorable, childish and, yes, criminal behavior? The same when it comes to mass shootings of children: Radio silence.

They even wished Julian Assange, head spy at WikiLeaks, his freedom on their propaganda vehicle, Fox, as stated by varsity cheerleader Sean Hannity.  https://thefederalist.com/2016/09/09/julian-assange-is-a-russian-front-man-not-a-freedom-fighter/

By remaining silent about such behavior, they gave their consent to Trump and have allowed their party to fall apart thanks to this clown (although it was years coming). But, instead of accepting their role in this tragedy, the writer chose to spread the blame to everyone else. Then again, Republicans were never keen on taking any responsibility for their faults or mistakes.

And never forget how the media were cavalier about Trump’s death threats against a former First Lady of the United States (which happened more than once) and they didn’t seem to take his attacks on their colleagues in the media too seriously, either.

In the end, all the American media wanted to do was focus on such pressing issues as Hillary’s coughing spells, her fainting in public, her supposed dementia (another WikiLeaks/Moscow lie), and devoting air time to knowing who, of all people, Monica Lewinsky was voting for (who fucking cared???).

And the Republican Party not only continued sitting on their hands during all of this, not doing a damned thing to restore a modicum of “civility” during the 2016 campaign, but they encouraged this outrageous behavior because, you know, power.

No one – not one Republican, and certainly not the conservative American media, wanted to stop this guy in 2016.

No, Mr./Ms. Op-Ed writer: You, the enablers within this regime, are the ones who sunk low, aided and abetted by a slanted American media who are owned by less than a handful of right-wing corporations.  The blame lies squarely on the shoulders of you and the media who did everything you could to ridicule Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, especially the media with their continuous coverage of b.s. such as Benghazi and her goddamned email server.

From champions of a free and open press to the leaders of a full-fledged media circus. My how times change – and rarely for the better.

As for discourse being “stripped of civility”: This coming from the party who orchestrated such 38 years ago with the nomination of a failed B-movie actor for president who savagely attacked Jimmy Carter while he (Raygun) was kissing the Ayatollah’s ass and selling this country up the river – literally.  Ollie North can expound on the details.

And, my oh my, how people love rewriting history to their advantage.  Republicans killed any “civility” in public discourse in the 1990s with the constant, low-grade attacks against Democrats and especially Bill Clinton.

Every single day there was a barrage of outrageous claims against the guy – many of which turned out unfounded, and majority of which were financed by the late, unlamented Republican darling Richard Mellon Scaife, attacks that extended to his wife and even his teenage daughter.

Republicans showed Clinton zero respect, but took the credit for every good thing the guy did. In 1996, just in time for the election, the late, equally unlamented Roger Ailes launched a 24/7 Republican propaganda machine by the name of Fox which did nothing but attack Democrats while daring to label their network “news” and their propagandists “journalists.”  [Sidenote: None of those losers at that operation would know what journalism was if it bit them in their pasty white asses.]

Ailes pushed every goddamned conspiracy theory about the Clintons as fact – and rwnjs ate it up while liberals kept increasing the channel’s viewership “just to know what the opposition is saying.” (Hint: The same thing they’ve been saying since the 1980s over and over and over and over and over again.  They never change their tune!)

And, during the 90s, Republicans courted vile conspiracy theorists which included these mental midget “militia men” – once again, the usual stream of unemployable, angry white guys with swastikas tattooed somewhere on their deformed being, who have the IQs of salad bars with the attention spans of fleas.

Translation: dudes who never got around to serving in the military, yet marched on over to the local Halloween costume store to buy military fatigues to play soldier in their backyard shooting deer, ranting about the government that wanted to “overturn” the Second Amendment, and who they were convinced were “stalking” them [eyeroll]. Notice they went quiet between 2001-2009, but I digress.

And do I even get into the beyond disgusting daily attacks against former president Barack Obama, his wife, and two daughters?

This individual, and the entire Republican Party, weren’t concerned about “civility” then, but they’re going to preach about it now?  Funny how that works.

Hillary calling these cruds a “basket of deplorables” was way too generous on her part. In fact, it was one of the worst understatements ever.


Bottom line: The chickens came home to roost and everyone now has to divide their time between giving multi-billionaires even more tax breaks, yanking every last benefit [NOT “entitlements”] working Americans have earned, and being babysitters to a 72 year-old mentally unstable man child.  No wonder China, Russia, and Iran can screw with the voting machines and voter rolls!  This is a fucking free for all!

A former First Lady of the United States warned the nation repeatedly that Donald Trump was “temperamentally unfit” to be president and she was laughed at by the media because her balls are in her chest.

Well, Mr./Ms. Op-Ed Writer: You and your ilk got us into this mess, you can find us a way out of it.  And that does NOT mean “effective deregulation” (talk about oxymorons!) of business as well as passing the single most disastrous tax cut ever in this country’s history – a tax cut that is already bankrupting this country.

I, and others like myself, did our part when we voted for the person who had the track record in government procedure and diplomacy to avoid the horrific situation you wrote about, so excuse us if we keep crowing, “Told ya so!”

All of this was unnecessary, but Trump was handed yet something else he did not earn because of another country’s interference.  Nobody wanted to let the entitled white boy down.  He wasn’t allowed to lose because he owes the Russian mafia hundreds of millions of American dollars, so we have to endure this cock sucker so he can empty out the U. S. Treasury to pay off his debts.

That’s something no one wants to address because that might necessitate someone in that regime having to actually use their spine … for once.

And your concern for “a constitutional crisis” is too late because we’re already in the midst of one. This clown car cannot continue to keep rolling on unchecked with another election on the verge of being hacked again by … Russia, China, Iran.  Hey, even North Korea might join the fun.  It doesn’t matter because the Republican Party will continue sitting on their hands if they know cheating will benefit them.

And here’s a piece of hard, cold reality: What Donald Trump has done to the office of the President of the United States may prove irreparable – just what Vladimir Putin hoped for and wanted.  There’s no way this country could ever regain a fraction of the face we had in the past.  And the Republican Party can blame only themselves for that.

A call for civility from anyone in the Republican Party – much less Trump’s enablers occupying Washington, D. C. – during this horrific and embarrassing time in this country’s history is the joke of the 21st century when one thinks about how Trump has managed to thoroughly embarrass this country in less than a year.

And the recent series of bombs sent to only Democratic politicians – past and present – today, October 24th, underscores the fact that civility is dead.  It’s a fucking joke and it is long overdue to quit coddling the extremist Nazi trash who have been courted by the Republican Party for decades and are now part of the mainstream thanks to that party.

Translation: Fuck nice.  It gets you nowhere!

Why is there a Constitution if no one has the backbone to enforce the laws within the fucking thing???

So Republican White House insider: Preach to those cruds, your base, about “civility.”  I don’t know if they’ll be able to hear you above all those bombs they’re making these days.

And, as always, keep obsessing over all things Clinton.

This Trump episode is NOT going to end well. It can’t end well.  Mark my words.


Heading back to the analog life

Okay. The last time I was in a shitty mood like this was the day before Election Day 2016. I guess my subconscious knew what was going to happen. It looks as though my subconscious is one step ahead of me once again.
Translation: The fix is in.
It looks as though yet another rapist – this time a piece of elitist, rich white trash – will be confirmed to the Supreme Court in order to fulfill what he has convinced himself is his birthright – to wreck revenge against anyone he doesn’t like, namely Democrats and anyone with the last name of Clinton, as well as any woman who dared question him.
That’s the Republican definition of impartiality in 2018.
And who is going to stop the guy? Congress? Don’t make me laugh. And impeaching a justice? How many times has that been done apart from zero? (And, again, that pack of clowns in Congress has to do that.)
What the fuck don’t stupid Americans get? The system does not work. In fact, it hasn’t worked for decades. There was the illusion it worked. We were bullshitted all our lives and the deep, dark, ugly truth reveals itself to us late in life.
Oh, well. “Better late than never?”
All y’all can kiss every single right anyone but rich, white Anglo-Saxon Protestant males have gained in the past 100 years in this country goodbye.
That would not only go for abortion rights (that’s the first thing that goes), but voting rights for brown and black people, American citizenship will no longer be for brown people escaping dangerous drug wars American oligarchs (and the Republican senators married to the daughter of a rich drug dealer) started, that will be reserved for pasty white occupants of a third-world country, Russia; that goes for Green Cards as well.
And, no, it’s not out of the realm that the right to vote for women will be yanked or severely curtailed to the point where it means nothing (and what are all those bored, bottle blonde, “soccer mom” cunts who live in the middle of nowhere going to do then?).
And all of this because you had a few problems with Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was this, she was that. What the fuck ever.
She was far from perfect, but she was nowhere near the complete fuck up Donald Trump was, is, and will always be. Even his father, Fred, knew what a piece of shit the guy was.
My favorite “argument” against voting for Hillary was “she’s not progressive enough.” OMFG!
How in the mother fuck do you justify voting for a guy whose politics (lol) were lifted straight out of Nazi Germany – who retweeted professed Nazis on his official Twitter account, giving them boatloads of followers and free international publicity, because his opponent isn’t liberal or “progressive” enough?
Better yet, what the fuck is the reasoning behind a “protest vote,” where you waste your vote on someone who has a below zero chance of actually winning? Are you people fucking retarded?
Hillary had to fight against so much and the woman still won by almost 3 million votes over the pedophile Trump, but she was not allowed to take office because, in “the land of the free” (lol) the loser wins. That’s what this Electoral College was set up to do – let the loser win.
And, best of all, the Trump trash and Bernie trash (who are the same exact shit marching under different banners) have no regrets over having caused all of this. They sleep well at night because they’re trash. There is no other way to put that.
And even well after the Sanders circus tent crashed and burned, and after all Donald Dump has done up to this point, those goofballs are still attacking Hillary. No one could dream this shit up for all the time and money in the world.
Well, folks, starting tomorrow, you can sleep easy knowing you will no longer have to worry about any rights because they’ll all be a thing of the past in the coming months.
Oh, and protesting? Do you really think any of that is going to make a difference to these Republican Nazi scum trash, especially to the likes of turtle face, Mitch McConnell? (Apologies to turtles. They’re cute and useful while he’s not.)
And the mid-terms? Putin saw to it they were fixed, too. Even the head of “Homeland Security” (lol once again. More Dumbya government pork) said Russia got into the machines. (And these white trash poll workers have been notorious for throwing out paper ballots for years.)
Congratulations, Trump/“progressive” trash: Mission accomplished.
Instead of explaining to your daughters, granddaughters, etc., how you voted for Trump, here’s my fondest wish for you: I hope they are raped and they have to eventually give up custody to the rapist “father” (because that’s what these knuckle dragging Republicans believe in: Parental “rights” for rapists) and the guy molests the kid.
And keep that plastic rage to yourself because those are the things that happened to other people in the past and you all seem to be okay with those deeds.
You also seem to be okay with Republicans defending the scum who did stuff like that – even making laws favoring the perpetrators, so you’ll do just fine in dealing with all that bullshit yourself, especially when you go to court to whine about “rights” and the judge will just give you a strange look – and laugh in your face.
You deserve everything you get – and even that’s not harsh enough for you.
I am tired of banging my head against a brick wall and I am tired of Americans with their silly protesting. All I’ve seen in my adult life is that Americans love to talk, talk, talk (storytime), but I see no action.
Turtle face McConnell and the rest of the Nazis in Washington don’t give one flying fuck for you and /or your “rights.” They made this shit hole of a country into a true playground for the one-tenth of the richest 1%. The rest of us will have to make do on $8.00 an hour jobs at McDonald’s – if they’re even available.
I wish Republicans cancer and supreme evil and I wish evil to the goofball Bernie Bots and Trump trash. May you all never see one day of happiness.
Is it any wonder why I choose to walk around with my headphones glued to my ears all day long listening to music from 30, 40, and 50 years ago?
At this point, I am half a step away from getting rid of all of this electronic junk and noise and going back to an analog life. I will be just fine with my VCR, my Walkman (the one where you have to put that thing called a tape in it and push play), and my books – the kind where you have to turn pages in order to continue reading.
I will be heading back to the analog life more and more and just whittle away the time until I can either get out of this country or die (as for the latter, the sooner the better for me).
Hope y’all are enjoying the party.