A short one about the evil turtle from Kentucky


I’m not a believer in “when they go low, we go high.” Nope. When they go low, I’m going to rock bottom so they know I’m not one to sit in a corner and cry. This is one of those times.

So, Mitch the bitch McConnell is in the hospital with a concussion after falling. Can’t say I feel the least bit sorry for that mother fucker. In fact, what I am sorry about is that worse didn’t happen to him.

You see, Mitch McConnell is a secondary architect of the Orwellian nightmare that is the United States in the year 2023 (the main architect being Ronnie Raygun, may he be burning in the Ninth Circle of Hell).

McConnell almost single handedly destroyed this country’s federal judiciary by keeping vacant hundreds of federal judgeships during Barack Obama’s eight years in office (and shame on Obama for effectively kowtowing to Mitch).

Miraculously, during Donald Dump’s four years occupying the Oval Office, those vacancies were filled in record time. Lawyers who never tried a case in court were nominated for a lifetime appointment to the federal bench (talking to you, Brett Talley, who conveniently forgot to mention you were married to a White House lawyer at the time of your nomination), and extreme right-wing cruds got in on votes along party lines – the same judges Republicans just ran to to put a stop to the President’s student loan forgiveness order (still nothing about repealing that trillion dollar tax cut for multi-billionaires).


That’s just for starters, folks. It would take a literal encyclopedia to detail what a scum sucker Mitch McConnell has been throughout his political career. He summed it up himself in 2019: “I’m the grim reaper.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mitch-mcconnell-vows-to-be-the-grim-reaper-to-thwart-all-democratic-proposals/

And, tonight, this turd is getting the best medical care American taxpayers are forced to pay for – 100% gratis (you think he and his know what a copay is?).

Oh, and a dissertation could be (and no doubt has been) written on how a dude representing one of the poorest states in the country is one of the richest politicians in Washington.

Yeah, fuck this guy! Being in the iron lung would have saved this country a whole lot of headaches.

The “thousands of jobs” out there? 95% of them are fake.

Since getting my bachelor’s degree last year, I have been diligently (!) searching for a job.

To cut a LONG story short: I’ve submitted my resume to almost every conceivable industry you can think of: Doctors’ offices, law offices, supermarkets, big box stores (Target, etc., but not union-busting/welfare recipient Walmart), government jobs (city, state, and federal), Starbucks, insurance companies, every company I’m a customer of, even places I’ve worked for in the past, in addition to work at home (remote) positions, etc., etc., etc.

I’ve gone on the companies’ websites, and I’ve come across every job site I can think of: Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter (I might do a future blog on the scam that website is top to bottom), uploading my resume and what I considered to be a great cover letter and … crickets.

The only positions I haven’t applied for are ones for which I’m supremely unqualified: Mainly anything mechanical or technical. I also will not do anything in the food industry. Been there done that, except for waitressing. Some things people just aren’t cut out for.

So … for all the searching and applying, applying, and applying, and all I netted were interviews for a full-time (temporary) position … that’s all of three months in duration, and part-time jobs. (And, if I get the full-time temp job, who knows when the temp agency will contact me again for another job after that’s completed).

One of my job offers pays all of $13 an hour, while another is a cashier job (“sales associate.” Gotta love those American euphemisms) in a state-run liquor store. And that’s it. Every other job I applied for – dozens of them – I have heard zilch back from. Nothing. Radio silence.

Bottom line: I need an adult job with adult hours and adult wages with adult benefits. Working in a glorified corner store for $13 an hour for 20-25 hours a week just ain’t cuttin’ it, homey. Period.

And, as an adult, I need a full-time job. Part-time jobs are for kids or retired people looking to supplement their Social Security and/or just wanting something to do. Their very design was never meant to be the main way of supporting oneself and, when applicable, a family: Paying bills (mortgage/rent, utilities, food, etc.), supporting kids (if you have them), buying/paying for/maintaining cars, and the rest of it.

And I’ve even applied for welfare and SSD. Welfare can only give you the bare minimum (and food stamps were cut because of the “end” of the COVID-19 pandemic, so people now are going to have to resort to either starving or eating Ramen fucking noodles), and it’s dependent on your work history if you get SSD. If you don’t have recent work history, or any work history, you can apply for SSI – and that pays shit.

And social aid organizations? Don’t make me laugh! I’ve gone the United Way route (even wanting to work for them), and there is no help for someone like me who isn’t married, has no children, or (get ready for this one!) doesn’t have a criminal record, has never been a junkie or alcoholic, or someone’s punching bag (domestic abuse).

Who would have thought people would be penalized for doing the right thing in life?

And, for the record, I don’t have mommy’s nor daddy’s money to help me, nor a husband who left me a big, fat pension. I never had that kind of privilege.

How many times am I going to write a cover letter? How many times am I going to rewrite and redesign my resume? All of these resume-focused blogs, vlogs, websites, books, and companies mean well, but I guess it’s another case of everyone is different. “What works for you may not work for me,” and vice versa. None of their advice has helped me land a job, or even score an interview.

And I believe it’s partly because of the nature of the advice itself, but mostly due to the fact I really believe these jobs don’t exist.

Explain away how people keep sending in resumes and no one hears a goddamned word: No phone call, no voicemail, no text message, no email, no snail mail. People wind up getting a job somewhere because they know someone in the company or they’ve had an incredible stroke of luck by coming across a real human being doing their job of hiring people for a job that actually exists.

The only logical explanation for the silence from all these places who are “hiring” is that the jobs don’t exist. They’re resume phishing expeditions designed to line up the next group of assholes so they can ax the current group of assholes when they’re due for raises or some other benefit.

Interesting side note: You notice CEOs never get canned, and their positions are never outsourced? They have yet to be run by A.I. (artificial intelligence), or have to face a robot when being interviewed (talking to you, Target and Liberty Mutual). When they commit crimes, they’re let go … taking millions of dollars in stock options with them. Some “punishment,” eh?

And if I can’t get a job within a certain amount of time, then that’s the end for me – and I mean the end. I am NOT going to be homeless nor apartment hop for the rest of my life. FTS!

I just cannot wrap my mind around the fact – not the opinion or assumption, but the hard, cold fact – that it’s impossible to land a decent job in the year 2023 within a reasonable amount of time, one that pays enough to cover my bills with a little extra.

I’m not looking for the world, and I don’t walk around with entitlement like CEOs do. I want to work, and I’m being blocked every inch of the way. But the bills are still due, and it’s still impossible to pull money out of the air to pay for anything, much less student loans.

But keep preaching to me how I should continue to live with this humiliation and pain – all in an effort to make you feel good. Keep believing there are thousands of jobs waiting to be filled, and no one wants to work them for some imagined reason or other.

Employed people are expected to do the jobs of three or four people, while still only getting the salary of one, while the fucking CEO and other pseudo economists keep cackling that paying people decent wages would “destroy business.” Every place where people get paid decently has proven that assertion oh so wrong.

Rewarding CEOs with millions while paying the people actually doing the work high school wages has really made for a strong economy, hasn’t it? [Insert heavy sarcasm].

Yeah, but keep voting Republican, folks. It may work out for you someday – NOT!

Democrats and their purity requirements …

Meanwhile, the Republican Party gets scummier by the second. They make no apologies, they have no requirements, and they’re not the least bit interested in cleaning out their own beyond fucked up house (literally and figuratively).

So …

It needs to be noted that Gaetz is so innocent that he apparently just dipped into the coffers and ponied up major dough for legal services to Marc Fernich Law Offices, attorney for human traffickers (and, yes, they represented Jeffrey Epstein). Matt Gaetz spends tons of money on Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer, Roger Stone as sex trafficking scandal looms | Blogs (orlandoweekly.com)

  • Donald Trump is a well-documented pedophile, sued dozens of times for child rape. Donny also let Jeffrey Epstein use Mar-A-Lago as a recruiting ground for his pedophile island. Donny also apparently helped himself to dozens of women sexually through the years, some of whom have taken to suing him (vs. him always suing everyone). The 26 Women Who Have Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct (businessinsider.com) (Trump was NOTORIOUS in NYC and AC for doing whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted whenever and wherever he wanted.)

But, after all this …

it’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo who needs to resign???

The calls for Gov. Cuomo to resign from his own party is another chapter in how Democrats love hanging their own when Republicans don’t dare do the same thing for MUCH worse. They did that with gusto in 1998, during the Clinton witch hunt, but their hands were tied and their mouths sealed shut when credible allegations flooded Trump during his occupancy of The White House from 2017-2021.

Republicans refuse to clean up their own fucked up house, but Democrats hang their own out to dry time and again. I’ve been a Democrat since 1994 and I am sick and tired of this shit!

In Cuomo’s case, this whole thing is a ploy by Trump and his friends/sponsors/owners at The Heritage Foundation, John Birch Society, and the Federalist Society, and other gatherings of loser anarchist billionaires, to get Cuomo out of the way so NY State’s charges against the Trump Org can magically evaporate, as has every other case against that piece of shit throughout time.

The only thing that makes sense is that not only must Trump be REALLY deep in with the Russian mob, but the mob is deep in with these anarchist billionaires who installed that mfer in 2016 because they didn’t want to pay taxes or have regulations put on their dirty, dark businesses and money (things Hillary Rodham Clinton was just itching to do on her first day in office).

And fuck every single fake Democrat such as Kirsten Gillibrand, whose job it apparently is to force every good Democratic politician to resign for what turns out to be bullshit allegations (remember Al Franken?). She is a textbook louse and seriously needs to switch parties along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because, with “friends” like that, who the hell needs enemies?

I’m to the point in life of why bother with history when apparently no one learns a damned thing from it?

The Democratic Party need to grow a fucking spine and require of Republicans what they require of themselves.

Trump and the Republicans = a pack of ghouls

It takes a time such as a pandemic to get people to show their true colors. It may take a while, but they’ll come through eventually.

With that written, I would like to take this opportunity to quote the late, great George Carlin and say, “Fuck Dr. Phil!” I’d like to put another overrated phony in there, too, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

According to Dr. Oz, sacrificing 2-3% of this country’s population is “appetizing” so the economy can get its “mojo” back.


Two quick thoughts:

  1. What economy? Trump tanked it, like he’s done with every last thing he has ever touched in his pathetic life.
  2. Why doesn’t the “good” doctor sacrifice his fucking family first? That sounds even more “appetizing” to me.

And do I have this right here? Fox Propaganda, the official cable channel of the Republican Party, asked a psychologist to give his opinion about reopening the economy due to a pandemic because they didn’t like what the medical doctor (Dr. Anthony Fauci) had to say?


At this point in my life, I can honestly state I’ve seen, heard, and read it all.

Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows Donny Trump has put this pandemic behind him – that’s why he keeps referring to it in the past tense during his famous press briefings – because he cannot do the job that his owner in Moscow appointed him to.

He has proven beyond doubt to the entire world he is an incompetent buffoon who isn’t suited for the adult thing much less for the highest political office in this country.

Perhaps one of the reasons for the rush to reopen the economy (besides enriching his billionaire criminal buddies, who have more than enough of money to spend in several lifetimes) is because another round of payments to criminal Deutsche Bank is coming up real soon, and those folks do NOT let payments slide more than once, screw the circumstances.

It’s obvious Donny boy lives paycheck to paycheck, so he really needs to reopen Mar-A-Lago so he can have some cash on hand.

And I’d be willing to bet anything he struck yet another quid pro quo with Putin: Hand over the rest of our PPE and ventilators to tenth world Russia and Putin fixes another election for him.

Meanwhile, fake president orange fat ass (his title here forever more) has convinced himself the pandemic is over, “the curve has flattened,” the worst is in the past. What the fuck ever.

Meanwhile, the reality is that infections keep rising along with the death toll nationwide, red states are the new “hot spots,” and the infections are being detected with nowhere near the tests each state needs.

Imagine if there were adults in D.C. right now, complete with a Pandemic Response Team, and there were more tests to go around. The numbers would be much higher, but at least the chance of further mass infection would be lessened as people would know they had the virus and could self-quarantine, hopefully avoiding the need for hospitalization.

And all of this because that 72 year-old incompetent pedophile, that textbook piece of shit, didn’t want to believe there was a pandemic coming because he’s too fucking stupid to understand science, or, at least, to respect the findings of people who are scientifically literate. He couldn’t have cared less what the World Health Organization told him way back in January about what we now call COVID-19.

Donny boy huffed and he puffed, and he refused test kits from the WHO because he was still pouting over being impeached. So, he continued his tantrum by refusing the test kits, he didn’t prepare the country by ordering businesses to increase production of PPE and ordering ventilators, and the piece of shit gave away tons of PPE to … China, Thailand, and (surprise – NOT!) Russia.

Donald Trump does not give one fuck about this country. He is guilty of treason and should be tried as an enemy of the United States in a military court. I do NOT write these words lightly.

Any mother fucker who accepts the help of a hostile foreign country and their online spy agency in order to “win” an election and then kowtows to that country simply because they own you body and soul is guilty of treason and should be dealt with accordingly.

One last thing: That stimulus check? It’s not coming. There was a “glitch” in the system now, huh? What’s the next excuse from mafia fixer Mnuchin going to be?

The money is gone, folks. It went to where it was supposed to go: multi billion dollar corporations. Us peons are on our own.

Translation: We’ve been had … yet again.

Always remember: Republicans believe fetuses are sacred, but you and/or your family dying of COVID-19 is just collateral damage in the bigger scheme of things. They want to feel good about pumping up an economy that their god Trump obliterated.

So, let these turds reopen this sick, sad joke of an economy and lift physical distancing requirements and let’s see what happens.

I’m no scientist, but I’ll take a shot in the dark here and go on the record to predict that people are going to go ape shit and be on top of each other more than ever and THAT’S when the party is going to get started.

Because a virus is a virus and the more people it has to feed off of, the more it can spread, and the longer it can live. Viruses keep people on their toes by mutating, too.

I repeat: The party hasn’t even begun, folks. Get ready because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The Republican Party are ghouls. They are walking, talking turds. There is no other way to put that.

HOW do they like what they see in the mirror?

Quarantine Week Two

I don’t know what would have made anyone think Donald Trump could morph into a human being at a time like this or any member of the Republican Party for that matter.  I am sick and I am tired of this fucking lunatic with his immature rants, his childish behavior, and his reckless attitude towards anyone and anything that doesn’t serve his personal interests or line his pockets.

From before Day One, I have refused to entertain a split second of his ramblings, and I listen to him even less these days.  Trump has not a blessed thing to impart that is of the least bit value to me, and his tweet a few days ago about people wanting to go back to work and how he wants the country back up and running around Easter was the most reckless thing this dude has tweeted to date – and that’s saying a lot.

Hey, Donny: What you want and what you get are two very different things, asshole.

To be brutally honest, I didn’t have a high opinion of this country before this pandemic and ensuing quarantine, and the public’s general attitude towards it has managed to make my opinion of this country become even more cynical.

What is wrong with people that they can’t listen to the advice of medical professionals and stay the fuck home and entertain themselves?  https://6abc.com/health/many-in-philadelphia-ignoring-stay-at-home-order/6058124/  Is it that hard?  Adults actually have to have other adults tell them how to occupy their time while in quarantine?

Hey, you can:

  • read a book
  • learn how to cook
  • learn the English language (something too many Americans need to do – big time!)
  • take up a hobby (i.e., sewing, knitting, or crocheting)
  • write something
  • draw something
  • play board games
  • listen to albums in their entirety, no matter the format (vinyl, compact disc, streaming)
  • watch a good movie (people spend $$$ on services such as Netflix, Hulu, etc., now is the time to use them)
  • DEEP CLEAN YOUR HOUSE OR APARTMENT (this is something nobody should have to be told, but…)
  • do home repairs
  • do yard work
  • bug your landlord/landlady to repair whatever it is that needs to be repaired around the place. They have all the time in the world now to get things done.
  • declutter
  • straighten out your drawers and closets
  • mop, sweep, oil, vacuum
  • learn how to ration your food and other items to avoid panic buying

And that’s all just for starters.

Worst of all, it’s just beyond sad that adults need to be told to wash their hands, sneeze into their elbows, and STAY HOME WHEN YOU’RE SICK.

That last thing is something that has bugged me for many years.  Putting aside the fact that too many employers, especially in the private sector, just do not give adequate vacation or sick time to their employees, Americans keep going to work sick, other people’s health be damned.

There has been more than one day of work I have lost thanks to ignoramuses who decided to fight their sinus colds at their desks – sneezing, coughing, and breathing and exhaling into the same air that I was.  And, naturally, if I complained about this to a supervisor, they would look at me as if I were the one with the problem.

What bothers me the most about Dump’s let’s get everything back to “normal” tweet is that it proves beyond doubt that people mean nothing to that monster.  So long as multinational corporations continue making money –  that they all pay zero taxes on, thanks to him and his Republican mafia goon squad – thousands of people dying from some virus is nothing but collateral damage to that piece of shit.

Besides, Donald Trump mentioning religion?  Anyone with a working brain knows his only gods are himself and money … and Putin.

And with each press conference that goes on at The White House, with everyone standing shoulder to shoulder (so much for “social distancing”), it proves more and more that Donald Trump canNOT do this job that he was installed in by the good graces of Vladimir Putin.  And I believe even Trump himself realizes this now more than ever, but he’ll never admit it because he’s a lunatic toddler.

And the saddest part of all with this pandemic?  The coronavirus party hasn’t even gotten started.  The worst is yet to come.

Time for a reality check, U. S.

It’s sad, but this country will never, ever elect a female president – or allow her to take the office she won (think Hillary Clinton).

Trump is talking up that 80 year old geezer clone of his, Bernie Sanders, because that’s what Putin wanted in 2016: Sanders – Trump. There was one, big problem: The woman got in the way … and we saw what happened there.

Donny boy knows he can legit beat Sanders, so that’s why he’s doing what his master Putin wants by loving Bernie. But, from my reading, Moscow has quite the dossier on Bernie they’ve been itching to release since 2016 when they really thought he would get the Democratic nomination.

The hard, cold reality? Trump will get in again. Why? Because Americans are incapable of doing what needs to be done and that’s burn Washington to the ground. Voting isn’t going to do any good this time because Putin fixed this election worse than last time. Robert Mueller said last year that 2016 was a practice run for Putin and this year promises to be worse than round one.

And Americans sit there and bury their faces in their iPhones, smartphones, Androids, fuck phones, whatever. They believe the system will work in the end or they paint everyone with the same brush (“They’re all crooked”).

Americans get fatter and lazier. They want everyone else to do the work. Meanwhile, in pretty much the rest of the world, they know how to get the job done:They yank people from political office who actually won and tell them to get lost.

In the United States, a used condom salesman, pseudo billionaire and faux businessman occupies an office he “won” via the most brazen spy

operation in world history, and he’s allowed to continue to run this country right into the ground.

And NPR ain’t no better than the propaganda shit heads at Fox. I studied the media and every outlet is the same: We continue to be saturated with old white people’s opinions straight out of 1820 – and the rubes fall for it.

And if you think it’s bad now, wait until around Halloween when Putin’s army drops political turds to get the rubes scared and vote against their own best interests. The IQ of certain parts of the country is that of a salad bar.

My late best friend’s father said it best: All the nuts aren’t in trees.

The bottom line is that the inmates have taken over the asylum. We live with this reality on the East Coast every day with the fat pedophile in D.C. The media fall in line and so does your average American. (Notice Moscow Mitch is walking around unscathed? So much for “home of the brave.”)

Deep down: I’m hoping there will be a MAJOR earthquake that splits up this country in a few pieces sooner than later because something’s gotta give here.

I ain’t living in no fucking dictatorship. Period.



Now let’s all enjoy every single Republican putting the final nail in their party’s coffin as they do everything they can to exonerate this piece of shit and his accomplices.

Merry Christmas, assholes!  May your 2020 be the worst year ever for all of you.


Trump the mobbed up goon needs to go – NOW!!!

So, Trump wanted to get dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden’s son? What a fucking low life mafia scumbag he has always been. He’s terrified of losing (again), so he fixes the outcome so he’ll “win” again. Sound familiar?

Donny boy must be awfully afraid of Biden to pull this shit.

And fuck Ukraine for entertaining Trump’s request. WTF is it with Eastern European trash? Are they all nothing but extensions of Russia – spies and sneaks? They’re genetic garbage, save for a few (and I say that from personal experience). The vast majority of them will sell their pasty white asses for a dollar – literally.

I wondered why that tidbit came out about Biden’s son a few months back out of nowhere. Now we all know. It was the same shit Dump pulled with Hillary three years ago that everyone just shrugged their shoulders at and chuckled, “Well, that’s just Donald Trump being Donald Trump.”

Yeah, treason, no big deal.

If I were Joe, I’d want blood – today! Joe ain’t goin’ nowhere. In fact, he might go after Dump claws bared now (or, at least, I hope he does).

I would get all the dirt I could on that orange pedophile, starting with releasing his precious tax returns that the mother fucker guards with his worthless life.

Fuck law and order and fuck the rule of law, because Trump never cared about them – ever. Being nice is for assholes. Period.

This entire country is useless. Still no one is storming the streets, threatening to take every single Republican out of office by the short hairs on their necks, starting with #MoscowMitch and #LeningradLindsey, and hold every single Democrat accountable for sitting on their hands while this tragedy continued, especially that overrated do-nothing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) – the one who slid into office unopposed. It’s okay for her to do that, but no one else.

And who will save us after that – a broken down, 79 year-old angry old fart like Bernie Sanders? That dude is long overdue for the cemetery.

People are saying the right thing, but no one does anything. There’s a bunch of lawless white trash occupying Washington and all anyone is concerned with is fucking “climate change?”

Yeah, it’s snowing plastic in Antarctica with the rest of the world deep frying from rising temperatures, but let’s save a planet that is clearly on its way out? WTF?!

We’re dealing with a beyond broken system and assholes still (!) believe Superman is coming to save everyone.

If only I lived in Hong Kong, Italy, England, or anywhere else where they don’t believe in fucking fictitious characters from comic books.

Then again, when you have a history of dealing with dictators (or DICKtators), you know how to get the job done. The U.S. has a dictator who has indicated he has no intention of leaving office once he loses and the average American – of all political shades – choose to continue looking for the next new shiny object.

Where are all those uber-patriots who threatened for years to take the US government out if they ever overstepped their boundary? This regime is doing it every single day and … crickets.

“Home of the brave” my fat ass.

Twitter’s war against liberals

Nothing like checking in on Twitter to discover you’ve been suspended for … “abusive behavior.” I’ll be allowed back out of my cage around 11 P. M. EST tonight.

Happy Sunday, y’all.

Abusive behavior.” Really? This coming from the same platform that has yet to do a fucking thing to the [white] guy who routinely calls for the assassination of United States representatives, those reps getting credible death threats as a result, who regularly uses filthy language in his tweets, and who just may start a world war using their precious platform. But I guess that’s a-okay because it’s Donald Trump doing all that.

Jack Dorsey: You’re a fucking joke, dude. I don’t know who’s worse: You or your fellow social misfit, arrogant white guy over at Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.

Time and time again, I’ve noticed the only people getting their accounts routinely suspended or outright terminated are people whose political leanings are towards the left. I’ve seen a handful of conservatives whine about their accounts being suspended, and the media are under this illusion it’s cons who get “shadow banned,” but the reality is it’s liberals who are under attack by these “social” media companies.

Don’t believe that? A lovely group who called themselves the Twitter Gulag Defense Network (“nice” choice of a Russian word, eh?) ran wild on the platform for too long, mass reporting anyone and everyone who was slightly left of neo-Nazi.

They gamed Twitter’s rules about online behavior and, since conservatives work in unquestioning packs, they would mass report [spam] someone on Twitter for whatever they thought the person was “guilty” of and Twitter suspended the “offender” site unseen.  And since they work in packs, if one person gets suspended, the rest of the wolves would howl about “censorship.”

Imagine liberals mass reporting people they didn’t agree with and your head would have spun that’s how quick it would have been broken up.

The disgusting shit I’ve seen online from Trump is enough to make any decent person’s stomach turn until the end of time, and, yet Jack Dorsey does what he does best: Sits on his hands, afraid to do a thing to that monster.  At least 99% of Donald Trump’s tweets are textbook “abusive behavior.”

And Dorsey isn’t alone.  It’s the same (non)action Zuckerberg has instructed his slaves (err, employees) to do at Facebook: When you have a Facebook group praying for the death of a twice-elected president, you do nothing despite thousands of complaints about it. When you have people (monsters, really) posting pictures of that same president with a noose around his neck, you do nothing about it despite thousands of complaints. 

BUT … if someone calls a fragile Republican politician a name, the person gets immediately suspended.

I don’t know how these white guys grew up, but they obviously weren’t told that you just can’t have two sets of rules. People will notice it pretty much immediately and will say something about it until things change for the better.

These platforms only seem to suspend or terminate an account of a conservative if something extreme happens – like doxxing (and the turds who doxxed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Twitter only had their accounts suspended when I checked. I will guarantee none of them were terminated for that action alone).

Twitter didn’t think to terminate that piece of shit Alex Jones for stalking the parents of the Sandy Hook Elementary School victims for years on its platform – again, textbook “abusive behavior,” his psycho bullshit getting to the point of denying their children even existed let alone were murdered, yet when he started in on people with the almighty blue check mark next to their names, that’s when Dorsey and Company thought to get rid of the mental defect.

That reminds me of reading about Senator Joseph McCarthy’s hunting of communists in the 1950s. It was okay when he picked on “mere” writers, actors, and other people in Hollywood, temporarily or permanently ruining their lives and careers just by being subpoenaed, but when he started going after the big guns – those in the military and government – that’s when people thought to pull the plug on his witch hunt.

And that sounds an awful lot like what Trump did to Robert Mueller’s investigation. He got his yes boy, Billy Barr, to pull the plug on that because his criminal kids were next to be indicted. Interesting how history repeats itself.

So, why did I get suspended? Because I wrote for Mike Pence to drop dead.

Redone Screenshot_20190714-125628_Twitter

[Yes, I purposely blotted out my Twitter handle.  I don’t take kindly to stalkers.]

I stand by every word of that tweet (all 3 words of it), but they let the biggest abuser of all – Donald Trump – stay on their platform, afraid to do a thing because then the Russia bot factory will really cause Twitter some problems.  We’ve all been on to that for a while, Jack.

And why do I want that evil bastard Pence to drop dead? The way that monster stood in that concentration camp in McAllen, Texas (and that’s what the fuck they are), that included a load of children, and didn’t so much as request a translator to ask what those people were going through – children and adults alike, made me sick to my stomach. And then he acted as if everything was hunky dory by proclaming he saw no evil nor heard no evil, so, therefore, he shall speak no evil.

Looking at how that pearly white crowd was standing in that room, all I could see that was missing were the green uniforms, black boots, and swastikas. If you don’t like that assessment, go cry into your crack pipe.

It looked no different than the pictures I saw of Nazis in concentration camps.  The only difference was the numbers on the calendar.  (P. S. I guess Pence is only “pro life” where white fetuses are concerned.)

Another thing I’ve noticed is that Republicans love to dish it out, but, boy, they can’t take it – at all! I really hope none of them got involved with politics to be liked. If that’s the case, they’re much more delusional than I ever thought. If poor little Mikey and the emotionally fragile conservative crybabies can’t take the truth, or at least another point of view, that is not my problem.

After all, it was conservatives who poisoned public discourse beyond repair starting way back there in 1980 with the sainted Ronald Raygun.  Their disgusting attacks on Jimmy Carter (while Raygun was blowing the Ayatollah by proxy) was just the beginning. 

So … don’t blame me or any other liberal for going with the flow here.  We’re just giving back what we’ve been so freely been subjected to all these years.

Oh, and the Russia bot thing? That hasn’t gone away at all. Methinks I got reported because I myself reported two accounts yesterday that screamed Russia. And how do I know they’re Russia accounts? The English is atrocious and they all “joined” Twitter around the same time, having anywhere from 30 to 100 followers.

And they’ll “tweet” in batches. They’ll send out a few tweets in one day and then their account will be silent for a long time. And if you respond to them, they don’t engage in a back and forth (the English is too limited for that).

Now if I, with very little IT experience, can figure that the fuck out, why can’t Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, or any other elitist white dude running these jokes of “social” media companies?

Translation: Nothing ever changes. None of them learned a thing from 2016 and, from all accounts, that was practice for what Russia is going to do to the American electoral process next year. Even FBI Director Christopher Wray came out and said such, along with the (former) head of the Department of Homeland Security (I can’t keep track of who’s who in the revolving door of the Trump regime with people “resigning” every five fucking minutes).

Facebook, Twitter, and everyone else are now giving lip service to weeding out Russia bots, but the hard reality is they don’t have a goddamned clue as to what they’re doing, but they sure know how to shut down people who have the least bit negative things to say about Republicans.

I’m sure they long for the days when liberals would just shut up and take the abuse dished out to us online without so much as reporting those turds.  Once we started giving back to these conservative terrorists what they’ve been dishing out for so long, that’s when FB, Twitter, etc., started clamping down. Interesting timing, folks.

It’s time for other people to start up social media companies – women, black people, brown people, anyone but pasty white dudes, where if you upset certain elements (like the KKK) you won’t be banished to the black hole of the Internet.

Yet … if you issue death threats against Democrats it gets overlooked every time – and Donald Trump may even retweet you and you’ll be rewarded with thousands of followers.

Hey, you may even crack the million follower mark – and Twitter might also reward you with their coveted official blue check mark next to your handle. Isn’t that encouraging?

It’s rather interesting how the only ones who get money from vulture (err, venture) capitalists to start tech companies are white guys – Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, Dorsey. I don’t see them coming together to get people from different backgrounds into the game. Could they possibly be afraid of women or darker skinned people becoming CEOs and possibly billionaires and inspiring other people to do the same? Can’t be having that now, huh?

Yeah, I know some people have been able to secure heavy funding to start up companies that went on to become big corporations traded on Wall Street, but they’re not on the level of Facebook, Twitter, Apple, or Microsoft. And the ratio of who these capitalist groups give money to is heavily in favor of white men. That’s the reality … and it needs to change.

So, Twitter’s war against liberals continues unabated and I patiently await my time to get out of purgatory. I haven’t decided if I’m going to report every tweet from Donald Trump as being abusive or to tell Jack Dorsey to go fuck himself sideways when I get back.

Decisions, decisions.

The Trails and Tribulations of the Entitled (Part 1)

The massive, historic, and already infamous college entrance cheating scandal that hit on Tuesday, March 12th that included the arrests of famous and award winning actresses Felicity Huffman (of Desperate Housewives fame) and Lori Loughlin (of Full House fame) hit a lot of people like an avalanche mostly because so many people were turned down by so-called “elite” colleges and universities for one reason or another – and they were fully qualified to attend those places.

Meanwhile, some (not all) children of rich and famous people whose money can grant them access to influential people get pushed into these places for … just being the children of rich and famous people whose money can buy them pretty much whatever they want.

And this is far from a surprise to those of us who have been paying attention to the news for most of our lives. Rich people have been buying their kids places in universities worldwide for ages – namely those overrated, overhyped, and overpriced Ivy League party schools.

Modern-day examples include the likes of Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Jared Kushner – none of whom had the academic competency to handle the much hyped Ivy League schools they attended.

It was hurtful throughout the years to read about Dubya being given so-called “gentlemen C’s” – meaning he was passed basically for showing up to class and for being H. W.’s son. Donny boy Trump never got a degree. To this day, no one can produce attendance records from the Wharton school of the University of Pennsylvania for the turd.

And it’s well-known Kushner’s family bought his place in Harvard with a generous $2.5 million “donation.” https://www.theroot.com/remember-that-time-when-jared-kushner-s-dad-donated-2-1833241931 He also got a top-level government security clearance he never earned, either, simply because he is married to another entitled, spoiled brat, Ivanka Trump – herself the beneficiary of a legacy placement at UPenn (known in Philly as the bottom of the Ivy Leagues). Tiffany Trump was the recipient of the same entitlement.

Like Lori Loughlin’s daughter, Olivia Giunnuli, I, too, wanted to go to a four-year joint to do some partying. But, unlike Olivia, I would never have that chance.

I was crushed when I missed out on moving to a dorm. I wouldn’t get to decorate it, wouldn’t get to experience what it was like living with a roommate, wouldn’t get to go to parties, wouldn’t pull all-nighters studying for midterms and finals in my dorm room, study halls, or the library, and that I wouldn’t get to go to school sports events, among other things. It would have been so nice to not have to figure public transportation into getting to class and, instead, just wake up, shower, and walk to class.

And, again, unlike Olivia, I wouldn’t get a big, fat endorsement from a major corporation to decorate my dorm room and then publicize it (my college days were pre-social media).

Of course, my first priority would have been studying, but I so wanted to live in a dorm and have that experience to reminisce about, but that wasn’t in the proverbial cards for me. To this day, I feel as though I missed out on a HUGE chunk of my life – and I did.

In the end, all I could afford to go to was a community college – and even that was a financial hardship. I had to borrow every single penny to go there, and it took me forever and a day to get a two-year degree, much to my embarrassment.

Even now, in my early-40s, I am still trying to get my bachelor’s degree. It’s not because I don’t have the academic competency to get it, it’s because I can’t afford it. I’m already in the student loan hole more than I would like to be and there has been bureaucratic red tape that has gotten in my way as well – red tape that always magically vaporizes when it comes to rich peoples’ kids … if it even appears at all for them.

And, for the record, it is NOT every child of a celebrity, or a famous person in their own right, who goes to college who doesn’t deserve to go or who had special dispensation in getting there. Actress Jodie Foster went to Yale and she deserved to go to college because the woman is a brain top to bottom. Brooke Shields suspended her acting career to attend Princeton in the 1980s and it seemed to me she, nor anyone else, had to buy her way in there.

It’s times like these when I admire former President Bill Clinton even more than I already do. That man worked his ass off from the literal bottom on up to get to where he is today – and he became a Rhodes Scholar in the process – something no one is handed. Not bad for a guy from a broken family in trashy Arkansas, huh?

Yeah, parents always want the best for their children and some of those parents will go the extra mile – crossing the line into the criminal – for their kids. Like Lori Loughlin, they will think nothing of forking over a lot of bribe money to get their unqualified, lazy, stupid, do-nothing kids into so-called prestigious schools or score big-name product endorsements that could make them a “social media influence” to be reckoned with.

Olivia Giannulli turned out to be your stereotypical spoiled brat who never had to work for a fucking thing in her life, yet, here she is with a million followers on Instagram, a few hundred thousand followers on YouTube and for … why again?

What the fuck did this chick do to rate all that except be born to two famous people? Why certain people are famous for doing nothing is something I’m still waiting on an answer for from the Kardashian cult, but no time for digressions here.

Anyway, in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lveMkZc-NRE&feature=youtu.be Olivia begins the college talk at 5:17 and announces she doesn’t care about school in such a nonchalant way that you just want to bitch slap the fucking brat. She was only too happy to make it crystal clear what her priorities were: Game days and partying. She would have to talk to her deans about fitting in studying. Hardy har fucking har.

Meanwhile, you can almost hear a kid who busted their ass to get into the University of Southern California (USC) and who was denied despite their years of hard work crying because this brat’s parents’ $$$ meant more to USC than being academically competent. WTF?!

And, of course, Ms. Entitled backtracked because people wasted no time in calling her out for her brazen entitlement. As far as anyone with a brain is concerned, that was a textbook cop out – a way to whitewash oneself against future taint (hindsight proved it didn’t work).

Such brazen entitlement coming from certain people just cuts like a knife every single time to us poor and working class kids who wanted so desperately to go to college, but couldn’t for one reason or another or who tried and couldn’t finish. It’s also a sucker punch to all of us who had to work for everything we have.

And when we find out that people lie, cheat, and steal to get where they are (like Donald Trump) after a lifetime of being preached to that “crime doesn’t pay” and to do the “right” thing (whatever the fuck that means), the only thing that comes to one’s mind is, “Why did I bother listening to that bullshit?” If only we did what those cruds did, we would have had a whole lot more fun, eh? And, if we were loaded with the family $$$, we would have gotten away with everything time and again.

Many inner-city kids wanted a quality education to move into better circumstances and we had unbelievable odds stacked against us, many times insurmountable. After so long, you just give up and melt into the drama and filth of the ghetto because you realize the game is so fucking rigged. This sting, dubbed “Operation Varsity Blues” by the FBI, prove that … in spades.

My heart is literally crying for the kids who were rejected by all the schools involved in this scandal. You have a dream of where you want to go to school and you spend your youth working your ass off to get there:

  • fulfilling the academic requirements
  • doing the extra curricular activities when you would have loved nothing better than to stay in bed on those Saturday mornings
  • going to all the sports practices and your parents second mortgaging themselves into buying your equipment, many times sacrificing some money to leave work early to go to practices and games
  • kissing the asses of people at school who you wouldn’t even glance at in the street under normal circumstances – all just to butter them up to write glowing letters of recommendation on your behalf to admission committees.

After spending prime years of your life breaking yourself to get into your dream college, you’re rejected … and then you come to find out the game was beyond rigged and you didn’t have a remote chance in the first place. I can only imagine the depth of disillusionment felt by every single one of those kids (and I say kids because their parents are my age, maybe a few years younger).

But … one mother decided to fight back and just filed a class action lawsuit to the tune of 500 billion dollars (yup, that’s billion not million) for the reasons I just mentioned above.


According to the lawsuit, her son – who is also her only child – was fully qualified to attend the colleges involved in this scandal and was rejected all the way around. [Note: She didn’t specify what colleges her son applied to in the complaint.] He sported a 4.2 GPA among other things and that wasn’t good enough to the likes of USC and others, but USC had no problem accepting an empty-headed twa* who couldn’t even figure out how to fill out the fucking application. Just wow.

(And serious question here: When did GPAs go over 4.0? What’s considered the perfect GPA these days?)

To be continued …