2022 Oscars – The Slap Seen Around the World

While I wouldn’t condone the slapping of anyone on a normal day, and on stage in front of over a billion people, I understand why Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the 94th Oscars on Sunday, March 27.

Rock, one of the UNfunniest “comedians” ever, took advantage of a vast stage to make a “joke” at a woman’s expense. He humiliated a black woman with alopecia (which is the reason why the woman shaved her head).

The vapid pontificators of non-violence conveniently overlook the bigger issue here: Women suffer enough in a country fixated with Hollywood’s off-the-charts “beauty” standards of anorexic and bulimic women whose only intake of food and beverage is diet pills and booze. All that talk about “body acceptance” from Hollywood phonies is just more free-floating bullshit.

I wouldn’t doubt Will’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, is more conscious of her alopecia than the average woman simply because of her profession, where her body is picked apart – top to bottom – every single day. And, no, no matter how long she’s been in the acting game, she didn’t “sign up” to be nitpicked over every flaw in her body, like every other woman in Hollywood.

According to the all-knowing pontificators, who are in full swing on Twitter (and everywhere else on social media), she was supposed to sit there with a smile while that jackass Rock humiliated her for a medical condition. I take it she and her husband were to approach Rock quietly backstage or at some Oscars afterparty and issue a verbal doctoral dissertation about the finer points of alopecia while Rock would never be called out for his bullying behavior.

Not only is it Will Smith who issues an apology, now the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences grandstands by stating they’ve opened an “investigation” into the incident. What’s to “investigate”: How an unfunny “comedian” ridiculed a woman for her medical condition and her husband defended her?

Perhaps the Academy can do an investigation into how incapable Hollywood is of making good movies these days. They have a hit every now and again, but everything else is hyped up bullshit, with millions of dollars wasted on slick advertising campaigns hyping up substandard films with overrated non-actors and non-actresses. The folks doing the promos should be the ones writing the scripts and editing the movies, because they’re better than the movies themselves.

Animated movies, Batman, Spiderman, remakes, remakes of sequels (!), movies about remaking every movie ever made (for real???), “Crazy Rich Asians,” “Fifty Shades of Grey,” ad nauseum. That’s the best La La Land can do these days.

I’m proud to stay I watched none of the films nominated for this year’s Oscars. Not one. Besides, all these awards haven’t meant squat for years. If that were the case, then I’m supposed to believe Taylor fucking Swift and the novelty act of Beyonce Knowles are among the greatest performers of all time simply because they have a line of awards in their houses. (The epically overrated and untalented Kayne West has Grammys, for goodness sake!)

All these awards simply mean a panel of industry professionals voted on a short list they were given by who the fuck knows, and most of the voters felt one person was the best .. from that list.

It does NOT make the person the best because that just doesn’t exist. Being the “best” is subjective at best.

To be honest, I’m shocked Will Smith ever made it in Hollywood, and has lasted this long, considering how incredibly prejudiced the West Coast is towards the East Coast, and especially Philadelphia. They love playing the victim role out there in Cali, it’s one of the only things they can do well, but I’m shocked at the depth of the hatred they have for Philly.

[Just a friendly note here: We don’t know you exist, assholes, so find a new hobby.]

I realize now more than ever what an alternate universe the West Coast lives in. The only thing of value they have there is the shitty movie industry, which, apart from the substandard wine industry in Sonoma Valley, and tourism, could account for their large economy. But anyone with even a cursory glance of Hollywood history will know what a jacked-up shit hole Los Angeles has been since its founding.

The number of lives ruined by that garbage movie industry could fill an encyclopedia. You have to be bored or come from the middle of nowhere to want to pursue the fantasy of being famous for the adult version of pretend.

The amount of backstabbing that occurs on every Hollywood set and at every Hollywood party is epic, but that’s all supposed to be kept quiet because it’s all about appearance out there in La La Land. But, not for nothing, when you scratch the surface of the happy-go-lucky, open-minded Californian, you will generally find miserable, depressive, self-important, grandstanding junkies and alcoholics.

Here in the real world, which is where Will Smith (and I) grew up, everything is out in the open. There’s no pretense. Rock talked shit about Jada, so Will took care of it right then and there. That’s how the real world operates, folks. How much bullshit is one person supposed to take?

Translation: We’re real here on the East Coast, which is why these fucking weirdos and losers from the West Coast run back to where they came from when they get a taste of Philly because they cannot handle the real world or real people. [Buh bye. Don’t let the door hit you in your deformed ass on the way out.]

And, just for fun, check out the list of “starlets” who’ve committed suicide since Hollywood’s inception by jumping off, or hanging themselves from, the “Hollywood” sign some time. (The ash drop in my house is older than that fucking sign.) How many of them were used and dumped by big, fat, perverted movie executives using the industry as an excuse to get young pussy? (And their garbage wives knew it, but, hey, designer clothes and social status always meant more than peoples’ lives to those cows.)

Whatever happened to the “good ol’ days” when anyone involved with the acting profession was looked upon as a literal prostitute? Nowadays, these no talents are elevated to the status of gods. So much for progress. (And, no, it’s not everyone, but these people are being paid millions of dollars for the professional version of make believe, while teachers nationwide have to dip into their own pockets to pay for school supplies.)

For years, pre-pandemic (because you couldn’t pay me to go into a garbage movie theatre these days, not with the obscene prices they charge for everything, masks, as well as sanitation procedures, being optional), I’ve yearned to be a regular movie goer, but parting with damn close to $50 before I even walk the theatre aisle to sit down always repelled me. All that money for one ticket, a small popcorn, and small soda, and to have to endure 20 minutes’ worth of trailers for other shitty movies? Fuck you!

The last movie I saw was “Harriet” (2019). I thought it was well-shot, well-edited, well-acted. Of course, it wasn’t nominated for Best Picture at the 2020 Oscars. And while Cynthia Erivo was nominated for Best Actress, she, of course, lost to Renée Zellweger in “Judy.” I later discovered Joe Alwyn, who played Gideon Brodess, Harriet Tubman’s “owner,” is dating Taylor Swift. I brushed that aside because, hey, no one’s perfect (so “King Richard” shouldn’t suffer because Chris Rock decided to warm up the Best Actor category by humiliating one of the nominee’s wives for her medical condition).

Then again, when “The Pianist” lost to fucking “Chicago” at the 2003 Oscars I knew once and for all Hollywood was the master of bullshit. I should have known the “fix was in” when Kirk and Michael Douglas stepped out on stage to present the Best Picture Oscar together (Michael, of course, married to one of “Chicago’s” stars, Catherine Zeta-Jones). That made it crystal clear a good movie doesn’t always win (many times, it’s not even nominated).

And Hollywood can talk all they want about nominating a more diverse field of actors, actresses, and movies, but that’s what it amounts to in the end: Talk. No matter the color of the actors and actresses, their movies have nothing of value to impart to the world. In short, they fucking blow.

I repeat: Hollywood is incapable of making good movies anymore. They would rather invest filming in TV shows (that are scripted despite being passed off as “reality.” There’s the ol’ bullshit machine again) that pump up textbook no talents who are famous simply because their mommy and/or daddy were famous (talking to you, Kim Kardashian, you no talent bore).

For the record, Chris Rock is one of THE most racist “comics” ever. If it doesn’t involve “jokes” about white people, he has no material.

Now, I’ve enjoyed my fair share of black comedians joking about white people. Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Wanda Sykes. They’re actually funny because, in the words of the late, great George Carlin:” It’s how you construct the joke.” Rock doesn’t have that finesse.

I’ve watched Eddie Murphy’s “Raw” (1987) so many times on HBO I can still recite his monologue from memory. It is one of the greatest comedy performances ever (along with 1983’s groundbreaking “Delirious”).

Rock also has no class to issue his own apology to Jada Pinkett Smith for making fun of a black woman for her medical condition. He is NOT the victim here.

What I will never understand is how there are so many screenwriting classes nationwide, with so many plugging away at their screenplays, yet, none of them are given the time of day because they’re not connected. They don’t know this one who knows that one who knows this one who can get their script read by an agent who has an “in” with a movie executive or producer (and they have the nerve claiming the East Coast is cliquey?).

That’s the way Hollywood has always worked: Everyone with their hands up each other’s asses, while the other hand is stabbing people in the neck or the back, all the while smiling while wearing designer rags, producing toxic work environments every day with pettiness, spitefulness, and unchecked jealousy.

But tell me again how Will Smith’s the bad guy for putting a dude in his place for humiliating his wife in front of over a billion people?

The Hollywood type need to get out of their echo chambers and look at the bigger picture and demand an apology from the epically unfunny and racist Chris Rock.

P. S. Fuck you, Hollywood. Roman Polanski proved he didn’t need you. 😊