Strong feeling alert: Alec Baldwin was set up

If anyone should be charged in the so-called “Alec Baldwin shooting” on the set of the movie, “Rust,” it should be the guy who handed Mr. Baldwin a gun knowing it was loaded with a live bullet, or who didn’t check it before handing it off to Baldwin.

The second I read about the shooting, I had the strongest feeling Baldwin was set up.


Donny Trump does NOT take lightly to being criticized, and repeatedly at that. In fact, during the 2016 campaign, Baldwin practically begged people not to vote for Trump because he knew firsthand what a low-rent piece of shit the guy is, was, and will always be. He said something alone the lines of: I knew this guy from the charity circuit, and you do not want this guy as president. (I didn’t use quotations as it is not a direct quote, but along the lines of what he said.)

Look at the dude who handed the guy to Baldwin, or the people responsible for weapons on the set. I guarantee at least one (!) of them is bound to be a Trumptard. Because no fucking way does a live round find its way into a gun by itself.

And speaking of weaponry on movie sets: With all the software out there, and the beyond talented special effects folks in the movie industry, WHY is there a need for real weapons on a set??? I never quite understood that. Software or analog special effects should be able to simulate the shooting of a gun without the need for a real one on a movie set.

Every single time this story pops up in my news feed, I cannot shake the feeling Alec Baldwin was set up by that fucking scumbag Trump, his mafia thug friends/owners doing the dirty work, of course. I have no proof of that, but you don’t have the proof that’s not the case, either.

I just hope New Mexico authorities will do the right thing and not charge Baldwin with a crime. He was not responsible for not doing something that wasn’t his job to do (producer of that movie or not). He is NOT a murderer.