Cops murder, everyone gets a curfew.

Boy, didn’t realize I’ve been gone from here for so long. With the abortion that’s been the year 2020, time has flown, misery was (and is) at an all-time high, and priorities got askew in the process.

So much has happened this year that it’s been flat out traumatic to sit down and type out my reactions to even a fraction of what’s gone down. The scope of events left me overwhelmed as to what to focus on at any given time. Besides, had I sat down to write, the post would have been old news before I even clicked the “Publish” button.

But I’m on time with this because, to quote Popeye: “That’s all I can stands. I can’t stands no more.” I’m fucking PISSED, and now seems as nice a time as any to vent.

First were the spate of school shootings across the country that never seemed to end. And how did that trend end, you ask? When the United States went into lockdown in March. April was the first month since 2002 the country didn’t have a school shooting – and that’s because the schools were fucking closed.

Seems like another world when this got passed around on social media immediately after a school shooting.

And Republicans continue collecting their paychecks from the NRA with no regrets.

Then there were the everyday mass shootings where the body count would depend on the caliber of weapon and how wide open the place was (meaning less places to hide).

These days, the entertainment portion of the rather sad “news” programs nationwide covers the cold-blooded murders of majority unarmed black people that happens with what seems like every other day, along with the spate of acquittals of these losers in police uniforms who are apparently afraid of their own fucking shadows. And we can put in the Fraternal Order of Police’s radio silence about every one of these murders.

Last night, October 28th, from 9 P.M. until 6 A.M. this morning, Philadelphia had to endure a curfew because two incompetent small dick boys in the Philadelphia Police Department were incapable of subduing a mentally troubled dude armed with – get ready for it – a knife.

Now, for the record, I don’t believe looting and stealing stuff will solve anything (although it’s always satisfying to see any Walmart trashed). At the same time, the sorry excuse that’s the American media have yet to address the stealing and looting done by multi-billionaires every fucking day in this country. Those thugs, those criminals, those scum, are treated with kid gloves by their lapdog media.

Not a word was said nor any investigations done about their puppet, dictator Trump, handing these “fine” folks a half-TRILLION dollars just because he could.  That’s half a trillion dollars taken from us – the people who actually worked for it.

And this after their golden tax break which guaranteed these losers pay very little to even no taxes for the foreseeable future.

Media reaction?

Maybe, just maybe, people wouldn’t be inspired to loot and jam up traffic with protests if the losers in blue would learn to control their anger and their itchy trigger fingers. And because these cops are social misfits, the whole city had to suffer. Really?

And I’m not counting the plants from the white power trash groups who are paid by Peter Thiel and other anarchist billionaire Republican scum to cause anarchy in Democratic cities in order to blame Black Lives Matter (BLM) or Antifa (who, for the record, are the good guys/gals here).

I have both known and known of a few people who became police officers who had no business being in a uniform, much less armed with a gun (some of them even had criminal records!). 

Many times, being a cop is the last resort at a job for the terminally stupid. Many of them are control freaks, social misfits, or both.  Many of them can’t form a sentence let alone know how to diffuse tough situations on the street.

You can count on the one half of one hand how many cops genuinely care about maintaining law and order. Many times, it’s that type who are the ones killed in the line of duty.

Yeah, we all know about the shit cops go through on the street, or at least heard of their trials and tribulations. I say, “Boo fucking hoo.” Nobody forced them into the job. If they can’t handle the stress, find another job. It’s that simple.

And they’re not “heroes.” To quote the late, great George Carlin: “I’ll choose my own heroes, thank you very much.”

While I can’t fully sympathize with what the darker skinned among us go through because I’m pasty white, I see the horrific inequality in the judicial system. And it’s an inequality based on class more than race, but race sure does play a big part.

I can understand cops shooting at someone pointing a gun at and/or firing at them, but is it necessary to shoot a mentally troubled man armed with a knife 14 fucking times? (And they knew the man was troubled as the cops had reportedly been to his house three times previously on Monday alone.)

You mean to tell me none of the cops on the scene Monday afternoon in West Philadelphia could subdue this dude, maybe even grab him from behind?

Or, if the cops felt they had to shoot in order to get the situation under control, couldn’t they have shot him in the knees once just to bring him down? There is no justification whatsoever for shooting anyone 14 times outside of a gun fight to rival the O.K. Corral … or unless you’re a chickenshit afraid of your own shadow.

Given all this, you notice how cops can never, even just once, shoot any of these white power terrorists when they ram their cars through crowds of BLM protestors? Mass shooters/murderers, over 95% of whom were white guys, were taken into custody alive and well. And if they were shot down, it was only because they shot at cops.

Fun fact: The reason why these white boys with the microscopic dicks plow their cars into crowds is because they’re still pissed at that scene in “The Blues Brothers” where Nazis got plowed after Jake Blues [John Belushi] said, “And I hate Illinois Nazis.”

“The Blues Brothers” (1980)

I’ve gotten to the point where I’m convinced white power trash have infiltrated every level of government. After all, that is part of their credo: Infiltrate law enforcement and defend each other when you get there. (My sister was married to one of those losers – and the FBI paid him to be a prison informant. That’s why dude got away with his laundry list of crimes.)

Here’s a better idea for PA Gov. Wolf: He should deploy The National Guard outside of every police station in this city because it’s the cops who need to control themselves.

How many times does this have to happen before someone, somewhere gets the message and does something radical like address these string of tragedies with real action?  There is never any time for symbolic bullshit.

Bottom line: More and more people are tired of this happening time and time and time again, and the fucking police get away with cold blooded murder every single time.

I don’t want to hear about the heat of the moment. There are too many cases of these cop murders nationwide that there still hasn’t been any training as to what cops can do in these situations outside of shoot if they’re black or Arab.

This meme was spot on – and still relevant, unfortunately.

This screwed up period of time is the end result of 40 years of Republicans running this country into the ground. Now is our moment of reckoning.

It’s going to get real interesting on Tuesday when this orange pedophile loses, but still declares himself the winner, and how much you all want to bet the networks go along with the program? (So much for a “liberal media”.)

And if this election goes to the Supreme Court, like it did 20 years ago in Bush v. Gore (that’s why Dubya will always be Gov. Bush to me), guess who wins, and it won’t be the next president, Joe Biden.

Kooky Amy was installed in record time – despite not answering a single question during that sham hearing two weeks ago – with the understanding that she will help install Dump for another 4 years, the will of the people be damned if it comes to it.

And I’m afraid, for all their talk, Americans will cower in a corner and cry when Trump declares himself the winner of yet another election he lost. I hope I’m wrong about that, but I don’t think so.

The preceding is 100% inconsistent with my upbringing in an Irish Catholic (formerly British Protestant), working-class, so-called “blue collar” neighborhood.

I grew up within walking distance of the Aramingo Avenue commercial corridor that was trashed just the other night. The neighborhood is a shit hole, always has been and always will be (which is not a reflection on everyone who lived or lives there, but that’s the general vibe of the place).

These people had to work for what little they had, and, yet, they had Republican mentalities for the most part. But even though they worked (that is when they weren’t on welfare or on disability for some invented malady which required them to be home for half the year or living off the money from their string of frivolous lawsuits), they were a bunch of racist, sexist, xenophobic losers – you know, Trump’s core audience – his cult.

They would whine about blacks or Hispanics getting welfare AFTER they tried applying for it themselves. Or they would be on welfare and howl about how blacks and Hispanics got “more” than they did, and how the welfare case workers would do more for them so they could get more benefits.

Oh, and these are the same lovely folks who will move the second a dark-skinned person moves anywhere near them.

Your typical piece of MAGA trash barely aspires to accomplish anything more than to wake up to a joint, pills, and booze, and then to pass out to any combination of such.  Saddest of all is that many of them have the nerve to reproduce multiple times, guaranteeing poor Mother Earth another cycle of ignorant assholes.

These rubes really believe in the trickle-down myth of Reaganomics: If they work hard and be good little boys and girls, they, too, will be rich someday. Multi-billionaires shouldn’t have to pay taxes on money they inherited for the most part.  Their jobs will pay enough to make ends meet because they’re the “job creators.”

Meanwhile, MAGA trash continue scratching those lottery tickets, babbling on about how this is their lucky day. All the while they’re working cashier jobs and other low-paying nothing jobs high schoolers can do.

And a quick note about Reaganomics: The only thing trickling down to these idiots is diarrhea. Too bad they never got the memo that, “It’s called The American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” (Thank you again, George Carlin).

I must confess that I really can’t see myself living beyond Nov. 3rd if this piece of shit steals another election. I know I’m not alone, but I’m fucking exhausted.

I’m fatigued by Trump’s mafia street soldier tactics, a country that’s apparently full of people who like to be treated like trash, people in power who all belong in prison without parole doing hard labor, illiteracy and ignorance are celebrated (think the Kartrashian/Jenner skank car, Kayne West, who, like his hero Dump, needs a permanent psychiatric intervention).

Deal with it!

I’m nauseated at the conspiracy theorists, history revisionists, home schooled idiots, and science deniers, along with the corporate media who give them unlimited media time to prove they all belong in padded cells, heavily sedated. (Fun fact: The rest of the world treats these goofs accordingly – they laugh them all out of the room after humiliating them.)

These days, I can pick a rather animated argument with the walls, and that is NO way to live! I really thought my 40s were going to be the best time of my life. They’ve turned into a fucking nightmare. (And I can’t see myself making it to 50 – and I don’t want to at this rate.)

So, to sum things up: Fuck Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party, especially Moscow Mitch. I hope they all lose “bigly” on Tuesday and take a nice, long walk off a short cliff.

To the working-class assholes who support Trump: Invest in a lobotomy today.

I, for one, am not the least bit interested in “educating” anyone about the evils of Trump and his regime. And I REFUSE to be civil to any Trump supporter, or the assholes who still insist “well, both parties are the same” after all that cocksucker Trump has done to this country for the past four years.

If you don’t like it, lump it!

Always remember: There is no hope for the hopeless.

#BidenHarris2020 – to save the world! And I will only accept the results if Biden wins!

#PoliceReform – as of yesterday.

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