Trump and the Republicans = a pack of ghouls

It takes a time such as a pandemic to get people to show their true colors. It may take a while, but they’ll come through eventually.

With that written, I would like to take this opportunity to quote the late, great George Carlin and say, “Fuck Dr. Phil!” I’d like to put another overrated phony in there, too, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

According to Dr. Oz, sacrificing 2-3% of this country’s population is “appetizing” so the economy can get its “mojo” back.

Two quick thoughts:

  1. What economy? Trump tanked it, like he’s done with every last thing he has ever touched in his pathetic life.
  2. Why doesn’t the “good” doctor sacrifice his fucking family first? That sounds even more “appetizing” to me.

And do I have this right here? Fox Propaganda, the official cable channel of the Republican Party, asked a psychologist to give his opinion about reopening the economy due to a pandemic because they didn’t like what the medical doctor (Dr. Anthony Fauci) had to say?

At this point in my life, I can honestly state I’ve seen, heard, and read it all.

Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows Donny Trump has put this pandemic behind him – that’s why he keeps referring to it in the past tense during his famous press briefings – because he cannot do the job that his owner in Moscow appointed him to.

He has proven beyond doubt to the entire world he is an incompetent buffoon who isn’t suited for the adult thing much less for the highest political office in this country.

Perhaps one of the reasons for the rush to reopen the economy (besides enriching his billionaire criminal buddies, who have more than enough of money to spend in several lifetimes) is because another round of payments to criminal Deutsche Bank is coming up real soon, and those folks do NOT let payments slide more than once, screw the circumstances.

It’s obvious Donny boy lives paycheck to paycheck, so he really needs to reopen Mar-A-Lago so he can have some cash on hand.

And I’d be willing to bet anything he struck yet another quid pro quo with Putin: Hand over the rest of our PPE and ventilators to tenth world Russia and Putin fixes another election for him.

Meanwhile, fake president orange fat ass (his title here forever more) has convinced himself the pandemic is over, “the curve has flattened,” the worst is in the past. What the fuck ever.

Meanwhile, the reality is that infections keep rising along with the death toll nationwide, red states are the new “hot spots,” and the infections are being detected with nowhere near the tests each state needs.

Imagine if there were adults in D.C. right now, complete with a Pandemic Response Team, and there were more tests to go around. The numbers would be much higher, but at least the chance of further mass infection would be lessened as people would know they had the virus and could self-quarantine, hopefully avoiding the need for hospitalization.

And all of this because that 72 year-old incompetent pedophile, that textbook piece of shit, didn’t want to believe there was a pandemic coming because he’s too fucking stupid to understand science, or, at least, to respect the findings of people who are scientifically literate. He couldn’t have cared less what the World Health Organization told him way back in January about what we now call COVID-19.

Donny boy huffed and he puffed, and he refused test kits from the WHO because he was still pouting over being impeached. So, he continued his tantrum by refusing the test kits, he didn’t prepare the country by ordering businesses to increase production of PPE and ordering ventilators, and the piece of shit gave away tons of PPE to … China, Thailand, and (surprise – NOT!) Russia.

Donald Trump does not give one fuck about this country. He is guilty of treason and should be tried as an enemy of the United States in a military court. I do NOT write these words lightly.

Any mother fucker who accepts the help of a hostile foreign country and their online spy agency in order to “win” an election and then kowtows to that country simply because they own you body and soul is guilty of treason and should be dealt with accordingly.

One last thing: That stimulus check? It’s not coming. There was a “glitch” in the system now, huh? What’s the next excuse from mafia fixer Mnuchin going to be?

The money is gone, folks. It went to where it was supposed to go: multi billion dollar corporations. Us peons are on our own.

Translation: We’ve been had … yet again.

Always remember: Republicans believe fetuses are sacred, but you and/or your family dying of COVID-19 is just collateral damage in the bigger scheme of things. They want to feel good about pumping up an economy that their god Trump obliterated.

So, let these turds reopen this sick, sad joke of an economy and lift physical distancing requirements and let’s see what happens.

I’m no scientist, but I’ll take a shot in the dark here and go on the record to predict that people are going to go ape shit and be on top of each other more than ever and THAT’S when the party is going to get started.

Because a virus is a virus and the more people it has to feed off of, the more it can spread, and the longer it can live. Viruses keep people on their toes by mutating, too.

I repeat: The party hasn’t even begun, folks. Get ready because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The Republican Party are ghouls. They are walking, talking turds. There is no other way to put that.

HOW do they like what they see in the mirror?

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