Quarantine, Month 1 – Let’s make common sense more common.

Fake president orange fat ass, tRump, is just itching to get things back to “normal” so he can quit this business of having to be an adult (which he’s failed at miserably) and get back to the golf course, so he can golf on our tax dollars – and his criminal kids can continue to be criminal.

Sure, I feel bad for all the businesses that are, no doubt, going to go under because of this quarantine, but here’s the choice, folks: Life or death. You can always set up another business. You cannot come back from death. That shouldn’t be too hard to understand.

If you want to live and not get this super funky, killer virus that currently does not have a vaccine and will not have a vaccine until at least a year from now (that’s standard wait time in the scientific community to figure out what a virus is and to develop a vaccine that’s going to work), then STAY THE FUCK IN!!! It’s not hard. It’s just not.

Quick side note: The only “treatment” for this virus is Tylenol and other over-the-counter medications for aches and pains. That’s it. If you get the virus, hope and/or pray your body can handle it. Otherwise, you need to go to the hospital and, again, hope you don’t have to be put on a ventilator to help you breathe because that’s what this virus is attacking: The very organ that allows you to live – your lungs.

Yes, you obviously need your brain to live, too, but if you can’t breathe, you’re dead. You’re just fucking dead. You don’t need a medical degree to know that basic biological fact.

I know about the gift of lungs and how grateful we all should be to be able to take a deep breath whenever we want.

Back in 2007, I had incredible back pains that would not go away. The pain did go away … for one day, and then came back with a vengeance! Upon the return of the pain, I tried lying down in bed and shot right back up. When that happened again, I knew it was time to go to the E.R.

LONG story short, I was told I had pneumonia, something which I dreaded most of my life I would get and was confused how I ever got. It wasn’t bad getting it because, apart from the back pain, I had no other symptoms of pneumonia, such as congestion, a cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, nothing. The back pain was the only tip off I had that anything was wrong.

But that’s not all to this story. It wasn’t bad enough that I had pneumonia and had zero idea how I contracted it (or developed it). The very next week, exactly seven days after my pneumonia diagnosis, I developed pleurisy.

Folks, pleurisy is nothing to fuck with.

Imagine waking up at 5:30 in the morning to the fact that you cannot take a full breath. You try and try, but it’s just not happening – not without the most excruciating pain you’ve ever experienced in your life. Taking a full breath is just not possible without really feeling as if you’re going to die. That is not hyperbole!

I can only describe that pain as breathing in hot glass with every single breath I took. Every single one. There is no let up to the pain until you get medical attention. Period.

And it’s in those moments of not being able to fully breathe and you feel your lungs begging for oxygen that you want nothing more than to fill your lungs up with good, long, deep breaths.

In the 10 minutes it took from the time I woke up in that mind numbing pain to when I was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, the one thought that kept running through my head was, “This is how I die.” I’m also glad to have had family call the ambulance for me because I couldn’t even talk, that’s how horrific the pain was.

According to the hospital, because of either the pneumonia or pleurisy, one of my lungs was damaged, making me more susceptible to complications from the novel coronavirus.  And from the way people who have had this virus describe the pain of it is that of pleurisy on steroids.

No fucking thanks! I’ll stay in, do whatever it takes to entertain myself, and take every necessary precaution not to be infected whenever I must venture out for food or go to the pharmacy – you know, the places that matter in life.

Politicians (the real ones), and primarily those of the Democratic shade, are not enforcing this quarantine because of some “conspiracy” against whoever is the right-wing nut job darling of the moment. It’s because they don’t want people to get this virus and then spread it to others, taxing an already taxed medical system, most especially its workers.

This is no time for cracked out conspiracy theories from science deniers about this virus being a “hoax.” It’s time for decisive action, one that will, hopefully, prevent this virus from wiping out humans.

I put “hopefully” in there because the success of this quarantine depends on people cooperating with authorities, but it seems this country is loaded with grown children who just have to go out and be involved with meaningless activities such as church, sports, and the like. As a result, don’t expect this virus to go away anytime soon.

We’ve been inundated with the fact that coronavirus is fatal mostly to people over 60 years old, BUT it’s also killing people in every other age group.

And here’s another fact: Most of the people infected are between the ages of 25-44 – people in the prime of life. We may have a better chance of fighting the virus, but “tomorrow never knows.” Where one 40 year-old could get a mild case of it and recover nicely another 40 year-old will die from it. There is no rhyme nor any reason when people get viruses and what it will do to them. So why risk getting it in the first place?

Let’s make common sense more common, shall we?

And speaking of a future vaccine: Will the anti-vax folks forego this vaccine, too, once it’s available because it “causes” autism in children? (This is the same crowd who no doubt believe the non-science that abortion “causes” breast cancer.)

I’m tired of those pack of goofs and kooks being treated seriously in this country. Their war against science and reason has gone on long enough. And whenever people call their goofiness out, their only defenses are Wikipedia, YouTube conspiracy channels, 4chan, and blogs created by people who couldn’t define journalism if their worthless lives depended on it.

Let this quarantine redefine the paradigm. Quit treating conspiracy theorist trash, along with their hero, fake president orange fat ass in Washington, seriously. Let them talk into the wind. After a while, even the mentally ill stop squawking when no one is paying attention or when they lose their voices.

If there is any good to come out of this quarantine, it’s the fact that Mother Earth gets a much-needed break from the scourge of humans and our overall selfishness. It’s beyond heartwarming to see animals reclaim areas of the world where humans trashed it, either via physical trash or just the fact there’s too many of us roaming the Earth right now.

I’ve watched YouTube videos where animals are now walking in areas once overtaken by humans and I can almost hear Mother Earth breathe a long overdue sigh of relief. These videos bring tears to my eyes everytime I watch them – a rarity for me.



Flocks of birds on beaches, endangered sea turtles hatched in Brazil and India, among other places : https://www.esquireme.com/content/45056-endangered-sea-turtles-hatch-on-deserted-beaches-in-brazil-india-amid-covid-19-lockdown, even geese walking across an airplane apron in Israel.

Mother Earth has had enough and just tired of being kicked in the pussy by arrogant humans who really think they own everything and have some right to be as destructive as they wanna be. Oh, yeah, they’re the same bunch of bad mutha fuckas who hunt with military weapons and shoot animals from the air.

BUT … the joke’s on us because Mother Earth gets the last laugh … every.single.time.

This virus is her way of saying, “I’m in charge, assholes, and I prefer the animal kingdom to you losers any day. Here’s a virus for which there is no cure (for now), and only I know if you can be re-infected with it once you’ve recovered … IF you recover. Enjoy yourselves.”

That’s the reason why pandas who hadn’t mated in over a decade in a Hong Kong zoo just did it. Because they didn’t have some asshole in a uniform in the cage with them trying to spur them on (as good as their intentions are).

This just goes to prove that animals don’t need humans and neither does Mother Earth. Both will go on without us and both will be fine without humans fucking up everything we decide to touch.


One final thought on that subject: Why are Americans so down on this quarantine, anyway? It’s not as though they haven’t already been engaging in “social distancing” for years now. Whenever they go to a restaurant or sit right next to another person, all you see is their heads peeking out from the tops of their MacBooks or phones (because anything other than a MacBook is beneath them).

I have been to many a coffee shop with two people sitting across a small, round table from each other. There was, literally, less than six inches between them, and it was their laptops that were facing each other. They never bothered to take even one second to mutter a sound much less to look up at each other.

I always wondered (and still do), “What the fuck could they be doing that’s so important, and on a public WiFi, to boot?”

So why all the whining about “social distancing” when it’s been going on for quite a while?

George Carlin said it best about how high humans think of ourselves – and how Mother Earth is the one in charge. He said this in … 1992. Boy, would he have been tickled to see the U.S. morph into his monologues beginning to end.


And the news keeps getting better, and something that benefits humans: We’re breathing cleaner air now than we have in decades and the overall noise pollution is at an all-time low (for recent times).


Besides the horrific number of deaths from this virus that bothers me more and more every day, I’m enjoying this moment in time for the break that Mother Earth is getting from us asshole humans. We all know it’s not bound to last because of the anticipated baby boom coming later this year and early-next year – if we’re still here.

And I can’t think of a more selfish thing to do right now than to have a fucking baby. It’s only going to further stress out an already stressed healthcare system and its workers.

Fun fact: In my little piece of the world, I noticed during the panic buying last month the one item that was left in bulk on supermarket and drug store shelves: Condoms. They were stocked well, but I’m sure there will be another rush soon enough, this time on pregnancy tests.

I repeat: How selfish.

But, then again, isn’t that humans’ epithet?

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