Harry and Meghan = The worthless drama just never ends

The last thing I wanted to start off a new decade writing about is such an outdated and useless institution such as royalty, but seeing as the trend continues of being plied with blanket “news” of these useless people and every move they make, I figured I have every right to push back – hard.

So, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to step back from being “senior royals” and moved with their kid to Canada and will split their time between England and Canada. Apparently, this decision was made without letting Buckingham Palace know this is what they wanted to do.

The reason for the move? Little Ms. Markle couldn’t handle being picked on by the British media who attacked her relentlessly because she’s half-black and American – with those reasons being no doubt in that order.

If the hype is to be believed, Markle was a “successful” actress before she met Harry. She had friends in Hollywood who knew what kind of life she would have if she decided to marry Harry. Apparently more than one person warned her what she was heading for: Her life would no longer be her own and she would be moving in exalted circles.

Meghan knew full well what she wanted and what she was heading for, or was warned about it at the very least, and she decided to jump in head-first anyway. Not sorry, but I can’t muster an ounce of sympathy for this twat.

I’m coming from the U.S., so the only “royalty” this country ever hears or reads about are the pack of misfits in England. The only other “royal” house the U.S. media will cover is Monaco, and that’s just barely. Other than that, England are the only ones who get publicity in this part of the world.

For as much as I like William and Harry – forever Diana’s sons to me – boy did they make horrible choices for wives. They both chose empty-headed, social climbing bores.

Name anything of consequence either Kate Middleton or Meghan Markle ever did before marrying who they did.

Middleton came from an aristocratic family of party planners. She met William in college, dug her claws in him, and that was that. And Wills went right along for the ride.

Markle was such a “successful” actress in the U.S. that no one ever heard of her until she hooked up with Harry. Even avid TV watchers barely knew who she was. She was no Grace Kelly, that’s for sure!

And when I first heard her name, the first thought that came to my mind was, “Whoa! Harry got himself a porn chick. Good for him!” Meghan Markle sounded like a porn stage name, so I assumed that’s what she was. I was proud of Harry … for a split second.

TV talk show host Wendy Williams claimed Markle wrote to her show years ago looking for a job. Successful actresses don’t go writing (begging) for jobs, especially on TV talk shows. The jobs come to them most of the time.

I didn’t watch either of their weddings because I was nauseated at the blanket coverage of them, as if they meant a thing in the real world. The American media went into full 1980s mode, pushing these as modern-day fairytales – as if they ever existed. They wanted a “royal” wedding on the scale of Diana, and the media apparently forgot to check their calendars along the way.

They also forgot about the fact us peons were facing real-world problems and such distractions were temporary at best. But, hey, fluff sure beats having to cover real news.

So, these chicks got married and shit out kids. Wow. That’s never been done before [eyeroll]. It’s like all those twats you went to high school with who never aspired to do anything more with their lives than get married and have kids – and then we have to be subjected to “news” of their lives constantly. It’s a nightmare none of us are allowed to wake up from.

Markle had an impossible time adjusting to life in England. Maybe Harry boosted her and made her think she’d get used to things in time. Perhaps, for a time, she thought she could handle things when, in the end, she discovered she was in way over her head.

In that sense, she’s no different from Donald Trump in Washington right now – clueless and overwhelmed and fucking up every step of the way.

The British media attacked her relentlessly and brutally because she didn’t courtesy deep enough like Middleton did, she and Harry kept plane hopping all over the world for photo ops, costing British taxpayers – already cash strapped – even more money, and having to have Harry make statements to the media about why they were flying private planes here, there, and everywhere.

Looking at pictures of Markle at various functions, the ones I could be bothered to glance at, she looked overwhelmed. Hey, she got what she wanted, but not in the way she wanted it. Welcome to real life, toots.

And that’s what last week’s announcement amounts to: The fact that Meghan Markle couldn’t handle the position – whatever that is – she willingly married into.

She found out quick that it wasn’t just about the media fawning all over her, wearing designer rags, and adoring crowds. She had to deal with downright vipers behind the scenes, and she had to live, eat, and work with those people every single day. Americans aren’t used to that. When things get uncomfortable for them, they bail out mid-sentence and never look back.

Apparently, Buckingham Palace made their own announcement that they were shocked Harry and Meghan made their announcement. According to the Palace, talks were going on as to how they could reduce their “work” load, but nothing had been decided.

Meghan’s American impulses strike again.

Whether Megan forced Harry away from his family in London is debatable. If what I’ve read and heard over the years had a modicum of truth to it, then Harry was never crazy about being part of that family. He did his job (whatever that was) well and he never showed the least bit discomfort in public, but he never forgave the media for the way they treated his mother – and rightfully so. I’m sure that affected his home life as well as his view of the public position he was born into.

Unlike her would-be daughters-in-law, Diana was not a commoner. She was born for the life she married into and she could barely handle things when all was said and done.

Diana talked in depth of what she endured at the hands of not only the media, but the misfit family she married into. In a 1995 interview with Martin Bashir, she went into detail of the hell she went through starting with her 1981 engagement. According to her, the head viper was none other than Queen Elizabeth, the so-called Queen Mother – a title she created to distinguish herself from her daughter. I can believe that because everyone has two faces.

Diana also had writer Andrew Morton write two books about her life – https://www.amazon.com/Diana-Her-True-Story-Words/dp/1501169734 and https://www.amazon.com/Diana-Her-Life-Andrew-Morton/dp/0684800098/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VNEMJX30AVWB&keywords=diana+her+new+life&qid=1578898703&s=books&sprefix=diana+her+new+%2Cstripbooks%2C126&sr=1-1. And it wasn’t as though the world didn’t know about the books or the interview with Bashir. They were all well publicized to the point where Prince Big Ears (Charles) countered with his own book and interview that only managed to make him look worse to the public than ever before.

So, Meghan could have studied the interview and read the books and ran for the hills no matter how much she loved Harry. She would have lost her chance of having her name eternally attached to the House of Windsor [snickers], but nothing beats peace of mind.

Translation: Some things just aren’t worth it in life no matter how much love factors into things.

But I got a good look at Markle and knew right off the bat she was just as bad a social climber as Middleton. A BIG problem for little Meghan is that she’s from Los Angeles, a city not known for being cerebral nor terribly historical, so she was caught with her pants down as to how European peerage works and how it’s still alive and well in the third decade of the twenty-first century.

It also struck me that Markle wanted all the perks of the position, but she couldn’t deal with the dark side of it. Her running off to live in Canada proves she was homesick and that she couldn’t deal with things. It was her white flag to the world.

Why not live in Australia or New Zealand? Location, location, location. She wanted to be as close to the U.S. as possible because she was homesick for La La Land. It’s as simple as that.

This is SO unlike Diana who, when the dust settled, thought, “Enough is enough!” and decided to use the media to further her causes, such as banning anti-personnel landmines.

Then again, I keep comparing Markle and Middleton to Diana and that’s wrong in and of itself. Diana was bred for such a life, even if she didn’t want it when all was said and done. She grew into the role and learned how to use the media to bring attention to causes that hadn’t gotten too much publicity before she set her eyes on them.

Unfortunately, for her decision to use the media, they struck back by losing their collective minds when she was going out with an (gasp!) Egyptian (who, I later learned, was the first cousin of Jamal Khashoggi, the journalist ordered hacked up by Crown Prince Scumbag of Saudi Arabia).

It’s a shame that neither Markle nor Middleton can deal with their positions – which is simply being married to men who were famous for being famous when all is said and done. And I like William and Harry, but it is what it is.

The never-ending cackling from both Middleton and Markle about being “harassed” by the British media as well as what people were writing on “social” media was enough to drive even the most patient person insane.

I will give them one thing: People do tend to be very nasty on “social” media. Apparently, the British “royal” house has an Instagram account where more than one person didn’t have very nice things to write about them. And apparently things were so nasty people were being blocked from the official account.

It might have something to do with having to support them for their doing nothing but being dressed up, but let’s take that out of the equation for a moment.

“Social” media does pick on women far more than it does men. It victimizes women 24 hours of the day and I, for one, am sick and tired of the double standard against women that not only never goes away, but that “social” media has managed to amplify over the years.

So, I do empathize with them for that and I agree with Sarah Ferguson, the so-called Duchess of York (oh, all these worthless titles, she said exasperated) that people put shit on “social” media they would never say to someone in person.

BUT (and who didn’t see that coming?) … when you sign up for such a public position, you have to expect public push back. Granted, the British media are notorious for being brutal in their assessments and treatment of people, and what they don’t know they simply make the fuck up and then swear to it. And they do it in a country with some of the harshest libel laws in the world.

It’s called not giving a flying rat’s ass about the consequences. Damaging peoples’ reputations with bullshit is a hobby for them – and a lucrative one at that. Rupert Murdoch is behind a lot of it and he apparently has an endless stream of financing to continue his reign of terror. Couple that with all the ears in Buckingham Palace being paid big $$$$$ for information and it’s a recipe for literal disaster.

But one also can’t be involved with a life like that and not feed off the drama. Middleton was salivating to be the center of attention and Markle, for being such a successful “actress,” couldn’t deal with the media when all was said and done.

Markle’s way of dealing with criticism was to try to shut it down. She even went on a mega power trip and got another country to get American police to investigate her half-sister, Samantha Markle, for alleged cyber bullying – and all because Samantha warned the world more than once in various social media posts Meghan rips families apart.


And from the minuscule amount of poking around I did on Twitter the day of the announcement, what the hell “work” do Harry and Meghan do? Charity work? Not sorry, but that doesn’t quality as “work.”

For real, neither of them would know what real work was if it bit them in their asses. I doubt Meghan, with all her years of acting experience [laughing with tears emoticon] would survive at a 9-5 job or a retail job or anything else us peons have to endure on a daily basis.

The perks of public life are super sweet: The designer rags, the free money, the titles, the fawning media who write about you with deference even though you’ve done little to nothing to warrant such treatment.

But there’s also the dark side: Push back from the public, death threats, assassination attempts, public heckling, and people like me who just don’t buy the hype no matter that the crowd think you walk on water and obsess about every minute detail of your boring existence. I’m of the opinion, “If I gave a fuck about you, I would seek you out.”

But having “news” about your every word and movement conveyed to me in real time with “breaking news” tiles on my cell phone sign in screen? I fucking resent that, especially when I wasn’t looking for it in the first place. I believe that’s called harassment and stalking, so since Markle loves lawsuits, I think I should sue her for stalking people like me who don’t give a shit about her or her empty life, yet are force fed “news” about her drama anyway.

Again, IF what I’ve read and heard had an ounce of truth to it, then Meghan actually complained about the British peerage system. That was something I learned about in grade school – and in an Irish Catholic grade school, to boot.

Then again, I live in a city that used to be a former British colony, so old habits die hard. Naturally, the Irish Catholic nuns had an ax to grind against anything British, but I learned to regard such a system as outdated and horrifically so. It had no place in modern society.

My history teachers accentuated the fact the United States fought a war to free itself of that kind of influence. Just don’t tell that to the home-schooled of middle America, who apparently never learned a thing about the Revolutionary War.

They’re the ones who fawn all over these British “royals” and would no doubt welcome them with open arms if (actually when) that monarchy crumbles into the ground – where it belongs – and came to this country to live out their days, having taken their taxpayer booty with them.

It’s interesting being subjected to the bottomless pit of British “royal” drama, even though this country was supposed to have gotten over that a long time ago.

It’s times like these that I think of the “other” monarchies of the world and how they deal with nowhere near the level of drama these pack of social misfits in London create on a daily basis.

And that’s the only way these British “royals” survive: Living on drama. If the tabloid media and paparazzi weren’t giving them endless coverage, no one would give a shit about them and they would all be off the public dole before you could blink. That includes Wills, Kate, and their three kids, Prince Big Ears and Princess Camilla of the Rottweilers, for starters.

And don’t even get me started about how Queen Elizabeth has all this money. The woman never had a job in her life, so where did all that loot come from? Ahh, British taxpayers to the rescue once again.

It’s interesting seeing how the media treat the “other” European royal families. The Royal House of Norway has an Instagram account and I don’t see nowhere near the level of hate towards them (although it does exist, let’s face facts). Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Sweden: There are active republican elements in each country, but their royal families are not of the belief they all walk on water or that “God” appointed them to positions they only got because they were born to the right dick and hole at the right time and place.

Although, I will admit, Spain manages to get on my nerves with their British-inspired god-like stance toward anyone who dares criticize them. Then I remind myself that King Filippe is a first cousin, once removed, to Prince Phillip of England, so traits do run in families after all.

Yes, all these monarchies cost their countries’ taxpayers money, but they don’t thrive on drama and then whine about the state of things once they get what they were looking for. They can handle things like the adults they are.

Some examples: King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden did the right thing late last year when he decided there were too many members of the royal family, so he cut off the non-essential elements, reducing their titles (from Her Royal Highness to Her Highness, e.g.) and cutting off their public allowance.


So those grandchildren – the ones of Prince Carl Phillippe (2) and Princess Madeleine (3) – are free to pursue private lives and their parents to earn their own incomes, so now no one can complain about anything: Swedish taxpayers save a bundle and the members get to live private lives. Everyone is happy – at least temporarily.

Side note: No doubt Markle got her brilliant idea of “financial independence” from King Carl.

Then again, Crown Princess Victoria, for one, has gone on TV talk shows in the past and has shown she can have normal conversations with everyday people about everyday subjects.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is an accomplished artist who has done illustrations for children’s books and King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands is an accomplished pilot who has flown commercial jets.

These people are real. I don’t ignore the dark side of royalty at all, but I like those royal houses because they’re not drama kings and queens, literally and figuratively. If something they said gets blown out of proportion or misinterpreted or they fuck up somehow, at least they come out and admit it. They know how to talk to and treat people. They don’t walk around as if they’re superhuman and they don’t go around looking for attention and then whine about everyone “invading” their privacy.

Bottom line: You cannot have it both ways in life.

This goes for every human being on planet Earth and that especially goes for these pseudo-celebrities and “royalty” who scream, “Look at me! Look at me!” with arms flailing and jumping all around and then when people start paying attention the first thing out of their mouth is, “You’re invading my privacy!”

Figure out what you want and stick to it because the public can only take so much bullshit.

Bottom line: I am sick and I am tired of seeing Meghan Markle’s mug all over the place. I’m not allowed to ignore this twat as I see her mug plastered all over the tabloids at the checkout line in the supermarket, I get “breaking news” tiles on my cell phone about her and her drama, and I can’t even watch the local news without there being a segment on this financially independent bullshit.

Meghan: Leave me the fuck alone!

One of the first things actresses are taught is how to handle the media. I would ask for my money back from whatever acting school you went to because it’s obvious you can’t handle the media and your “position.”

Since that’s the case, divorce Harry and get the fuck out of our lives once and for all. You’ll be given a tidy divorce settlement to live on for quite a while, enough to support you and your kid. Take any money you’re offered and get lost – and stay lost.

You wanted this, girlfriend, and now you want to pull back because you can’t handle it. That’s the Millennial way and that’s the American way.

Since England is exiting the European Union, it should come all the way into the twenty-first century and shed this irrelevant, useless, drama ridden institution. It does nothing for no one and Buckingham Palace is big enough to host scores of homeless people in London.

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