Trump the mobbed up goon needs to go – NOW!!!

So, Trump wanted to get dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden’s son? What a fucking low life mafia scumbag he has always been. He’s terrified of losing (again), so he fixes the outcome so he’ll “win” again. Sound familiar?

Donny boy must be awfully afraid of Biden to pull this shit.

And fuck Ukraine for entertaining Trump’s request. WTF is it with Eastern European trash? Are they all nothing but extensions of Russia – spies and sneaks? They’re genetic garbage, save for a few (and I say that from personal experience). The vast majority of them will sell their pasty white asses for a dollar – literally.

I wondered why that tidbit came out about Biden’s son a few months back out of nowhere. Now we all know. It was the same shit Dump pulled with Hillary three years ago that everyone just shrugged their shoulders at and chuckled, “Well, that’s just Donald Trump being Donald Trump.”

Yeah, treason, no big deal.

If I were Joe, I’d want blood – today! Joe ain’t goin’ nowhere. In fact, he might go after Dump claws bared now (or, at least, I hope he does).

I would get all the dirt I could on that orange pedophile, starting with releasing his precious tax returns that the mother fucker guards with his worthless life.

Fuck law and order and fuck the rule of law, because Trump never cared about them – ever. Being nice is for assholes. Period.

This entire country is useless. Still no one is storming the streets, threatening to take every single Republican out of office by the short hairs on their necks, starting with #MoscowMitch and #LeningradLindsey, and hold every single Democrat accountable for sitting on their hands while this tragedy continued, especially that overrated do-nothing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) – the one who slid into office unopposed. It’s okay for her to do that, but no one else.

And who will save us after that – a broken down, 79 year-old angry old fart like Bernie Sanders? That dude is long overdue for the cemetery.

People are saying the right thing, but no one does anything. There’s a bunch of lawless white trash occupying Washington and all anyone is concerned with is fucking “climate change?”

Yeah, it’s snowing plastic in Antarctica with the rest of the world deep frying from rising temperatures, but let’s save a planet that is clearly on its way out? WTF?!

We’re dealing with a beyond broken system and assholes still (!) believe Superman is coming to save everyone.

If only I lived in Hong Kong, Italy, England, or anywhere else where they don’t believe in fucking fictitious characters from comic books.

Then again, when you have a history of dealing with dictators (or DICKtators), you know how to get the job done. The U.S. has a dictator who has indicated he has no intention of leaving office once he loses and the average American – of all political shades – choose to continue looking for the next new shiny object.

Where are all those uber-patriots who threatened for years to take the US government out if they ever overstepped their boundary? This regime is doing it every single day and … crickets.

“Home of the brave” my fat ass.

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