Twitter’s war against liberals

Nothing like checking in on Twitter to discover you’ve been suspended for … “abusive behavior.” I’ll be allowed back out of my cage around 11 P. M. EST tonight.

Happy Sunday, y’all.

Abusive behavior.” Really? This coming from the same platform that has yet to do a fucking thing to the [white] guy who routinely calls for the assassination of United States representatives, those reps getting credible death threats as a result, who regularly uses filthy language in his tweets, and who just may start a world war using their precious platform. But I guess that’s a-okay because it’s Donald Trump doing all that.

Jack Dorsey: You’re a fucking joke, dude. I don’t know who’s worse: You or your fellow social misfit, arrogant white guy over at Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.

Time and time again, I’ve noticed the only people getting their accounts routinely suspended or outright terminated are people whose political leanings are towards the left. I’ve seen a handful of conservatives whine about their accounts being suspended, and the media are under this illusion it’s cons who get “shadow banned,” but the reality is it’s liberals who are under attack by these “social” media companies.

Don’t believe that? A lovely group who called themselves the Twitter Gulag Defense Network (“nice” choice of a Russian word, eh?) ran wild on the platform for too long, mass reporting anyone and everyone who was slightly left of neo-Nazi.

They gamed Twitter’s rules about online behavior and, since conservatives work in unquestioning packs, they would mass report [spam] someone on Twitter for whatever they thought the person was “guilty” of and Twitter suspended the “offender” site unseen.  And since they work in packs, if one person gets suspended, the rest of the wolves would howl about “censorship.”

Imagine liberals mass reporting people they didn’t agree with and your head would have spun that’s how quick it would have been broken up.

The disgusting shit I’ve seen online from Trump is enough to make any decent person’s stomach turn until the end of time, and, yet Jack Dorsey does what he does best: Sits on his hands, afraid to do a thing to that monster.  At least 99% of Donald Trump’s tweets are textbook “abusive behavior.”

And Dorsey isn’t alone.  It’s the same (non)action Zuckerberg has instructed his slaves (err, employees) to do at Facebook: When you have a Facebook group praying for the death of a twice-elected president, you do nothing despite thousands of complaints about it. When you have people (monsters, really) posting pictures of that same president with a noose around his neck, you do nothing about it despite thousands of complaints. 

BUT … if someone calls a fragile Republican politician a name, the person gets immediately suspended.

I don’t know how these white guys grew up, but they obviously weren’t told that you just can’t have two sets of rules. People will notice it pretty much immediately and will say something about it until things change for the better.

These platforms only seem to suspend or terminate an account of a conservative if something extreme happens – like doxxing (and the turds who doxxed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Twitter only had their accounts suspended when I checked. I will guarantee none of them were terminated for that action alone).

Twitter didn’t think to terminate that piece of shit Alex Jones for stalking the parents of the Sandy Hook Elementary School victims for years on its platform – again, textbook “abusive behavior,” his psycho bullshit getting to the point of denying their children even existed let alone were murdered, yet when he started in on people with the almighty blue check mark next to their names, that’s when Dorsey and Company thought to get rid of the mental defect.

That reminds me of reading about Senator Joseph McCarthy’s hunting of communists in the 1950s. It was okay when he picked on “mere” writers, actors, and other people in Hollywood, temporarily or permanently ruining their lives and careers just by being subpoenaed, but when he started going after the big guns – those in the military and government – that’s when people thought to pull the plug on his witch hunt.

And that sounds an awful lot like what Trump did to Robert Mueller’s investigation. He got his yes boy, Billy Barr, to pull the plug on that because his criminal kids were next to be indicted. Interesting how history repeats itself.

So, why did I get suspended? Because I wrote for Mike Pence to drop dead.

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[Yes, I purposely blotted out my Twitter handle.  I don’t take kindly to stalkers.]

I stand by every word of that tweet (all 3 words of it), but they let the biggest abuser of all – Donald Trump – stay on their platform, afraid to do a thing because then the Russia bot factory will really cause Twitter some problems.  We’ve all been on to that for a while, Jack.

And why do I want that evil bastard Pence to drop dead? The way that monster stood in that concentration camp in McAllen, Texas (and that’s what the fuck they are), that included a load of children, and didn’t so much as request a translator to ask what those people were going through – children and adults alike, made me sick to my stomach. And then he acted as if everything was hunky dory by proclaming he saw no evil nor heard no evil, so, therefore, he shall speak no evil.

Looking at how that pearly white crowd was standing in that room, all I could see that was missing were the green uniforms, black boots, and swastikas. If you don’t like that assessment, go cry into your crack pipe.

It looked no different than the pictures I saw of Nazis in concentration camps.  The only difference was the numbers on the calendar.  (P. S. I guess Pence is only “pro life” where white fetuses are concerned.)

Another thing I’ve noticed is that Republicans love to dish it out, but, boy, they can’t take it – at all! I really hope none of them got involved with politics to be liked. If that’s the case, they’re much more delusional than I ever thought. If poor little Mikey and the emotionally fragile conservative crybabies can’t take the truth, or at least another point of view, that is not my problem.

After all, it was conservatives who poisoned public discourse beyond repair starting way back there in 1980 with the sainted Ronald Raygun.  Their disgusting attacks on Jimmy Carter (while Raygun was blowing the Ayatollah by proxy) was just the beginning. 

So … don’t blame me or any other liberal for going with the flow here.  We’re just giving back what we’ve been so freely been subjected to all these years.

Oh, and the Russia bot thing? That hasn’t gone away at all. Methinks I got reported because I myself reported two accounts yesterday that screamed Russia. And how do I know they’re Russia accounts? The English is atrocious and they all “joined” Twitter around the same time, having anywhere from 30 to 100 followers.

And they’ll “tweet” in batches. They’ll send out a few tweets in one day and then their account will be silent for a long time. And if you respond to them, they don’t engage in a back and forth (the English is too limited for that).

Now if I, with very little IT experience, can figure that the fuck out, why can’t Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, or any other elitist white dude running these jokes of “social” media companies?

Translation: Nothing ever changes. None of them learned a thing from 2016 and, from all accounts, that was practice for what Russia is going to do to the American electoral process next year. Even FBI Director Christopher Wray came out and said such, along with the (former) head of the Department of Homeland Security (I can’t keep track of who’s who in the revolving door of the Trump regime with people “resigning” every five fucking minutes).

Facebook, Twitter, and everyone else are now giving lip service to weeding out Russia bots, but the hard reality is they don’t have a goddamned clue as to what they’re doing, but they sure know how to shut down people who have the least bit negative things to say about Republicans.

I’m sure they long for the days when liberals would just shut up and take the abuse dished out to us online without so much as reporting those turds.  Once we started giving back to these conservative terrorists what they’ve been dishing out for so long, that’s when FB, Twitter, etc., started clamping down. Interesting timing, folks.

It’s time for other people to start up social media companies – women, black people, brown people, anyone but pasty white dudes, where if you upset certain elements (like the KKK) you won’t be banished to the black hole of the Internet.

Yet … if you issue death threats against Democrats it gets overlooked every time – and Donald Trump may even retweet you and you’ll be rewarded with thousands of followers.

Hey, you may even crack the million follower mark – and Twitter might also reward you with their coveted official blue check mark next to your handle. Isn’t that encouraging?

It’s rather interesting how the only ones who get money from vulture (err, venture) capitalists to start tech companies are white guys – Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, Dorsey. I don’t see them coming together to get people from different backgrounds into the game. Could they possibly be afraid of women or darker skinned people becoming CEOs and possibly billionaires and inspiring other people to do the same? Can’t be having that now, huh?

Yeah, I know some people have been able to secure heavy funding to start up companies that went on to become big corporations traded on Wall Street, but they’re not on the level of Facebook, Twitter, Apple, or Microsoft. And the ratio of who these capitalist groups give money to is heavily in favor of white men. That’s the reality … and it needs to change.

So, Twitter’s war against liberals continues unabated and I patiently await my time to get out of purgatory. I haven’t decided if I’m going to report every tweet from Donald Trump as being abusive or to tell Jack Dorsey to go fuck himself sideways when I get back.

Decisions, decisions.

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