Heading back to the analog life

Okay. The last time I was in a shitty mood like this was the day before Election Day 2016. I guess my subconscious knew what was going to happen. It looks as though my subconscious is one step ahead of me once again.
Translation: The fix is in.
It looks as though yet another rapist – this time a piece of elitist, rich white trash – will be confirmed to the Supreme Court in order to fulfill what he has convinced himself is his birthright – to wreck revenge against anyone he doesn’t like, namely Democrats and anyone with the last name of Clinton, as well as any woman who dared question him.
That’s the Republican definition of impartiality in 2018.
And who is going to stop the guy? Congress? Don’t make me laugh. And impeaching a justice? How many times has that been done apart from zero? (And, again, that pack of clowns in Congress has to do that.)
What the fuck don’t stupid Americans get? The system does not work. In fact, it hasn’t worked for decades. There was the illusion it worked. We were bullshitted all our lives and the deep, dark, ugly truth reveals itself to us late in life.
Oh, well. “Better late than never?”
All y’all can kiss every single right anyone but rich, white Anglo-Saxon Protestant males have gained in the past 100 years in this country goodbye.
That would not only go for abortion rights (that’s the first thing that goes), but voting rights for brown and black people, American citizenship will no longer be for brown people escaping dangerous drug wars American oligarchs (and the Republican senators married to the daughter of a rich drug dealer) started, that will be reserved for pasty white occupants of a third-world country, Russia; that goes for Green Cards as well.
And, no, it’s not out of the realm that the right to vote for women will be yanked or severely curtailed to the point where it means nothing (and what are all those bored, bottle blonde, “soccer mom” cunts who live in the middle of nowhere going to do then?).
And all of this because you had a few problems with Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was this, she was that. What the fuck ever.
She was far from perfect, but she was nowhere near the complete fuck up Donald Trump was, is, and will always be. Even his father, Fred, knew what a piece of shit the guy was.
My favorite “argument” against voting for Hillary was “she’s not progressive enough.” OMFG!
How in the mother fuck do you justify voting for a guy whose politics (lol) were lifted straight out of Nazi Germany – who retweeted professed Nazis on his official Twitter account, giving them boatloads of followers and free international publicity, because his opponent isn’t liberal or “progressive” enough?
Better yet, what the fuck is the reasoning behind a “protest vote,” where you waste your vote on someone who has a below zero chance of actually winning? Are you people fucking retarded?
Hillary had to fight against so much and the woman still won by almost 3 million votes over the pedophile Trump, but she was not allowed to take office because, in “the land of the free” (lol) the loser wins. That’s what this Electoral College was set up to do – let the loser win.
And, best of all, the Trump trash and Bernie trash (who are the same exact shit marching under different banners) have no regrets over having caused all of this. They sleep well at night because they’re trash. There is no other way to put that.
And even well after the Sanders circus tent crashed and burned, and after all Donald Dump has done up to this point, those goofballs are still attacking Hillary. No one could dream this shit up for all the time and money in the world.
Well, folks, starting tomorrow, you can sleep easy knowing you will no longer have to worry about any rights because they’ll all be a thing of the past in the coming months.
Oh, and protesting? Do you really think any of that is going to make a difference to these Republican Nazi scum trash, especially to the likes of turtle face, Mitch McConnell? (Apologies to turtles. They’re cute and useful while he’s not.)
And the mid-terms? Putin saw to it they were fixed, too. Even the head of “Homeland Security” (lol once again. More Dumbya government pork) said Russia got into the machines. (And these white trash poll workers have been notorious for throwing out paper ballots for years.)
Congratulations, Trump/“progressive” trash: Mission accomplished.
Instead of explaining to your daughters, granddaughters, etc., how you voted for Trump, here’s my fondest wish for you: I hope they are raped and they have to eventually give up custody to the rapist “father” (because that’s what these knuckle dragging Republicans believe in: Parental “rights” for rapists) and the guy molests the kid.
And keep that plastic rage to yourself because those are the things that happened to other people in the past and you all seem to be okay with those deeds.
You also seem to be okay with Republicans defending the scum who did stuff like that – even making laws favoring the perpetrators, so you’ll do just fine in dealing with all that bullshit yourself, especially when you go to court to whine about “rights” and the judge will just give you a strange look – and laugh in your face.
You deserve everything you get – and even that’s not harsh enough for you.
I am tired of banging my head against a brick wall and I am tired of Americans with their silly protesting. All I’ve seen in my adult life is that Americans love to talk, talk, talk (storytime), but I see no action.
Turtle face McConnell and the rest of the Nazis in Washington don’t give one flying fuck for you and /or your “rights.” They made this shit hole of a country into a true playground for the one-tenth of the richest 1%. The rest of us will have to make do on $8.00 an hour jobs at McDonald’s – if they’re even available.
I wish Republicans cancer and supreme evil and I wish evil to the goofball Bernie Bots and Trump trash. May you all never see one day of happiness.
Is it any wonder why I choose to walk around with my headphones glued to my ears all day long listening to music from 30, 40, and 50 years ago?
At this point, I am half a step away from getting rid of all of this electronic junk and noise and going back to an analog life. I will be just fine with my VCR, my Walkman (the one where you have to put that thing called a tape in it and push play), and my books – the kind where you have to turn pages in order to continue reading.
I will be heading back to the analog life more and more and just whittle away the time until I can either get out of this country or die (as for the latter, the sooner the better for me).
Hope y’all are enjoying the party.

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