Trump, trolls, and Pulitzer.

  • Eight year-old Jonathan Martinez was shot dead in his special needs classroom in San Bernardino, CA – and Trump’s phone must have fallen in the toilet as we have heard not a syllable from the guy.
  • A passenger, Dr. David Dao, was beaten to a bloody pulp by thugs at United Airlines for the airline f**king up for “overbooking” a flight (continued radio silence from Trump) – and United blames the victim for being assaulted – going so far as to engage in character assassination of the man instead of just admitting they screwed up.
  • A Pulitzer Prize was given to right-wing hack Peggy Noonan for Commentary for (get ready to laugh) “beautifully rendered columns that connected readers to the shared virtues of Americans during one of the nation’s most divisive political campaigns.”  (Screenshot as example.)Noonan bs PulitzerSince when does Noonan and the term “beautifully rendered” go in the same sentence?

    For decades, Noonan has been one of the most divisive political columnists in this country.  During the election, she consistently stressed how errors over an email server would negatively affect the country more than putting into office a proud sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic piece of trash who ridiculed special needs people and had zero experience in diplomacy and government.  She was far from alone, but a Pulitzer for that b.s.?  Give me a f**king break!  (So much for a “liberal media.”)

    Then again, that award is named for the father of yellow, or tabloid, “journalism,” Joseph Pulitzer.  Next thing we know the Pulitzer committee will be giving the Public Service Award to the hacks at The National Enquirer or TMZ.  (Maybe I shouldn’t be giving them ideas here.)

  • And, to top off this rather interesting night, the trolls have crawled out from under their rocks to infest “social” media to attack everyone who dares criticizes poor little Bernie Sanders and the NRA thugs.  Yup, apparently the full moon brings out the freaks.

It’s been a hell of a night in Trump’s AmeriKKKa.



Yet another joke is allowed to continue rolling on.

Roman Polanski is denied latest bid to resolve 40 year-old rape case

This was originally submitted as a letter to the editor to the Los Angeles Times two days ago. I know it won’t be published, mostly because it defends Polanski, and with facts, not sensationalist garbage.  I made minor changes at the end.  Here goes:

From the public record, it’s obvious that Roman Polanski isn’t looking for “special treatment” because he’s a celebrity. Perhaps the gang at the L.A. District Attorney’s office can come up with something original instead of repeating David Wells’ b.s.

Like thousands of other people, Polanski made a plea deal with the late Laurence Rittenband – with the cooperation of his victim AND her family – and it seems to me all he’s looking for is that deal to be honored, much the same way the DA’s office honors such deals with career criminals for information on other cases.

Again, from public record, it is known that Polanski was examined by a court-appointed psychiatrist who deemed him to NOT be a menace to society and to be remorseful for his actions. This was in addition to his probation officer stating to the court he didn’t believe he would be a repeat offender.

Meanwhile, since 1978, the D.A.’s office has let far worse people go free to become repeat offenders in Los Angeles. From the opposite end of the continent, I am in awe of such fantastic hypocrisy.

Polanski did all that Rittenband requested – psych evals, prison time for those evaluations, even being put on the same cell block as the dirty, stringy haired creep who ordered his pregnant wife’s murder not a decade earlier (there is no such thing as coincidence). What more did Rittenband want???

It seemed Rittenband was going to honor the plea deal … until he started discussing the case with people he had no business talking about it to, namely one David Wells. Wells was apparently eager to offer his inappropriate, slanted, and illegal advice on a case he nor Rittenband should have been discussing – in or out of court (and that’s from Wells’ own mouth).

And, reminder, even the D.A. prosecuting the case, Roger Gunson, signed an affidavit joining defense attorney Douglas Dalton in accusing Rittenband of inappropriate behavior during the case. And, worse yet, due to that behavior, Rittenband eventually resigned from the case. I notice, time and again, the coverage and commentary of this case never, ever mentions this.

In the end, Rittenband was notorious for being more concerned with his press file than in administering the law. Instead of Superior Court acknowledging a judge can be (gasp!) flawed, they continue with the arrogance and put themselves in the right 100% of the time. “Nice” to see some things never change.

Judge Scott M. Gordon’s decision is yet another b.s. ruling from a beyond broken judicial system – a fact that Poland, France and Switzerland (the last the embodiment of conservative) saw through in no time flat.

Roman Polanski’s true “crime,” apart from what he did in 1977, was exposing how deeply flawed the U.S. judicial system is – and this years before MTV, never mind the Internet.

LA Superior Court had a chance to end a 40-year joke and it failed yet again. So much for honoring the wishes of the victim here. How utterly pathetic.

Oh, yeah, and what’s up with female District Attorneys always being assigned to sex cases? Is that supposed to mean something deep?